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(First off sorry for light mode my screen is weird with settings lol) but let's get into things! Answering the question first "it's hard to choose one but I'll make it fair and choose a guy and a girl, for the guy I have to go with Ominous or Kree...

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(First off sorry for light mode my screen is weird with settings lol) but let's get into things!
Answering the question first "it's hard to choose one but I'll make it fair and choose a guy and a girl, for the guy I have to go with Ominous or Kreekcraft, both are quite cool but I've been watching Kreekcraft more then Ominous since Ominous is my new favorite but Kreekcraft is the runner up, and for the girl even though there's barely any girls it has to be IBella she's really cool! And I will probably start watching her since I've just gotten into her, hopefully this answers your question even if it's a long answer" I said.

(First off sorry for light mode my screen is weird with settings lol) but let's get into things! Answering the question first "it's hard to choose one but I'll make it fair and choose a guy and a girl, for the guy I have to go with Ominous or Kree...

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Ok dare one, they are gonna be meeting the robot versions of themselves so here's a reference to help whoever's not seen them or just to see it with their instruments. I teleport them all into a room with me sitting by them, the normal hosts seem confused but they go up to the people who look like them.
"Hello?" Russo said
"Hey, who are you and why do you look like me?" Russo-Bot asks in his robotic voice
"I'm- Russo" Russo said
"But I'm Russo" Russo-Bot said and this continued for a while until he wanted to explain.
"I don't know how to explain this but someone created me" Russo-bot said (Russo doesn't remember that he said this since it would definitely ruin things, just to make it clear to people who are coming from the rbb robot au story! So this isn't canon it's just a dare)
"Uhm I don't understand but ok- you seem quite cool" Russo said with a laugh
"Yeah, I even have your microphone" Russo-bot said.
"The most important part haha" Russo said
"Definitely" Russo-Bot said, they kept talking, and then Sabrina got the courage to walk over to her robot self.
"Hey- uhm who are you?" Sabrina asks
"I'm the robot version of yourself- hence why I look like you and even have your instrument" Sabrina-bot said
"Oh- your quite cool" Sabrina said
"I know I am" Sabrina-bot said and they continued talking for a while about random stuff I would imagine they mainly talked about Music.
Then Dj went over to his robot version
"H-hey Dj-bot" Dj said
"Hey!" Dj-bot said
"I have a question" Dj said, looking over at Sabrina-bot and noticing that they had matching hats and sweaters.
"What is it?" Dj-bot asks
"I was wondering why you and Sabrina-bot have the same hats and the same outfit" Dj asks
"Well let me explain, we got them at the same store and our captor wanted us to match, that captor being the scientists but I don't wanna give a lot away" Dj-bot said
"Oh I see, you also have inherited my mysterious personality with making me wonder" Dj said
"I definitely did inherit that about you" Dj-bot said and they talked until time was up and didn't remember any of the mysterious things that they said. I teleported the robot versions of the hosts back to the scientists and teleported the hosts back to their homes. Now onto dare 2!
I locked Ominous and IBella in separate rooms to make them mad.
"Hey! Let me out of here Liv!" Ominous yelled
"ME TOO!" IBella said, I just stand out of the room and laugh so hard.
"What can I do to make you let me out? I'll do anything!" IBella said
"Make me your special watermelon smoothie" I said
"Fine! If you let me out" IBella said and I let her out
"Ah finally, even if I was in there for only a couple minutes" IBella said
"If your gonna let her out let me out as well!" Ominous said, banging on the door
"Fineeeeee" I said and I let him out, IBella was in my kitchen with the blender making her watermelon smoothie. After she was done me, Ominous and IBella enjoyed it at the table together until we were all done.
I let them stay for the last dare since everyone had to be here, I teleported everyone here and picked Kreek's first video (I can't find it but ima just type their reactions to it well some of their reactions since I wanna do specific people reacting since the rest of the people are shocked or don't know Kreek well.)
"Erm Kreek that was really cringe" Tanqr said
"I hate to be mean but I agree with Tanqr" IBella said
"Same-" Koneko said
"Yeah- uhm" Ominous said.
"I liked it" Pgh said
"HOW it's cringe" Kreek said
"Well to you and others but I enjoyed it to be honest with you Kreek" Pgh said
"Alright I'll not argue with you" Kreek said and everyone else said their reactions and how they felt about it and then quietly left the studio. I was left there waiting for the next dares and questions!
Also hopefully this was to your liking Midnight >:)

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