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I show Ominous, Lego, Kreek and Tanqr the dare and they begin fighting to keep Lego awake

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I show Ominous, Lego, Kreek and Tanqr the dare and they begin fighting to keep Lego awake.
"YOU STOLE MY WIN" Kreek yells
"YOU LOST, FAIR AND SQUARE" Tanqr yells back
"NO YOU STOLE MY CROWN, TWICE!" Kreek yells having the urge to punch Tanqr in the face.
"Ughhh here they go again" Lego said to himself, they go back and forth for hours and hours until everyone's awake.
In the morning when Lego goes downstairs for breakfast which me and Bella cooked for everyone since we were giving Sabrina a break since she needed one because of her sleep schedule. Ominous was staring at Lego's tired eyes and he was concerned about Lego.
"Lego?" Ominous questioned
"Hm?" Lego said yawning
"You seem tired-" Ominous said
"I am- Kreek and Tanqr were by my room keeping me up at night yelling" Lego said
"Oh- I heard them but I had my pillow over my ears to combat the yelling" Ominous said
Lego sighs "I should've done that" Lego said.
"Yeah then you would've not looked so tired since I bet you stayed up all night which Kreek and Tanqr also did because they were fighting" Ominous said.
"Yeah- I'm gonna go back to bed after breakfast" Lego said
"Good idea" Ominous said, after breakfast Ominous carried Lego up to bed since he was being a good friend since Lego could barely walk. After he was done carrying Lego upstairs and into his room he also tucked Lego into bed and turned on some calming music to help him sleep he had a little chat with Kreek and Tanqr about their fighting habits.
I then teleport Koneko and Devoun into the room for them to have a father son moment. They decide to go golfing, Devoun isn't that good at it but Koneko teaches him how to be better at it. Devoun since Koneko is half cat pets him a lot, he purrs since he likes pets but sometimes loses control and bites Devoun but that doesn't happen all the time. But they had fun golfing, after they finish they are tired so Devoun falls asleep after putting Gorg pag in his crib and Koneko falls asleep in his room immediately.
I then show Sabrina her dare and she smiles really wide since she wanted to bombard Russo and Dj with questions again since they were her best friends of course.
"Russo, Dj have you eaten? Had water today? Napped today? Dj is your sword tiring you out?" Sabrina asks
"UHM JUDGES?!" Russo yells
"Uhm- Sabrina- I have eaten and had water, I haven't napped today but my sword has been tiring me out since I've been using it a lot-" Dj admits.
"You need sleep then" Sabrina said she grabbed Dj by the hand and put him to bed. He slept while holding her hand from under the covers. Russo was just by the door in shock.
"Don't worry I'm not done with questioning you Russo" Sabrina said
"What questions do you have-" Russo asks
"Is your sword still broken? Are you ok from the loss of your dad? Have you eaten? Have you had water today? Have you slept in a while?" Sabrina asks, again bombarding Russo with questions.
"Uhm- my sword is working, I do still have emotional damage from losing my dad, I haven't eaten in a while, I have had water, and I haven't slept in- days" Russo replied
"RUSSO! You need to eat and sleep" Sabrina said, she left Dj alone to sleep and took care of Russo by giving him food and making him sleep. Sabrina rubbed her hands together "my job is done" Sabrina said with an accomplished smile one her face.
I then teleport Poke, Hyper, Ashley, Murder- I mean Peetahbread, and Albert into the room and show them the dare. They all set all of bloxburg on fire, Albert trolls the workers before he sets the buildings on fire, they all feel accomplished and go out for dinner after.
"Murderbread" Ashley starts
"Ashleythearsonist" Peetah said
"Haha" Poke said
"Funny nicknames" Hyper said
"I know" Ashley said
"Yup" Peetah said
And they all ramble on at dinner which they went to dinner at this random cafe game that Albert chose since they trusted him to chose the place. And they chose Koala cafe because Albert wanted to troll the workers and he was honest to them about that. So that's just what he did while they ate, he ate as well but he had to take the food to go since he got kicked out sooner then expected.
I teleport Ominous into the room and show him the question.
"Pinkleaf I hate the most since he stole my crown, I was supposed to win the battle back- but I mean it's alright, he is a cool dude though- but that's just what I think about him" Ominous said
"Interesting" I said
"Yeah, ima go hang with Lego again- or at least check to see if he's sleeping" Ominous said, leaving the room.
"Ok- next question is for me, no they aren't siblings in my au but if they were then Pinkleaf would be the older one and IBella would be the younger one, but they are just friends- or should I say rivals? In my au" I answered, after that I teleported Albert into the room for the last and final question of the day.
"Hmm- the best prank I've pulled off was when I pretended to be Megan with display names, I made her laugh so hard! Haha, but I have taken a prank too far- which was arson but we don't talk about that hehe~" Albert said
"Oh- makes sense I guess" I said
"We'll time to troll Jake again! See ya noob!" Albert said leaving the room and finishing the questions and dares of the day.

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