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I teleport Ominous and Cybernova in the room, they both seem confused like really confused

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I teleport Ominous and Cybernova in the room, they both seem confused like really confused.
"Who are you and why do you have wings?" Ominous asks
"Uhm- these are my wings from Royale high and I'm Cybernova nice to meet you, what's your name?" Cybernova asks
"Ominous Nebula but you can call me Ominous" Ominous said, shaking Cyber's hand. I then show them the dare and they get ready to head to space together. When they are in space (timeskip cause I'm lazy) they explore around, there's remnants of what happened in my rbb season 3 au (check it out pls! It's my most popular book but it's so good!) but they talk while exploring space and look at the stars together as well and just bond basically while exploring everything. After they have explored everything they head home and get to know each other better along the way since it's the friends we made along the way that's important remember that! When they do get back to the studio I leave them be since they need to get to know each other more.
I then teleport Peetahbread, Thinknoodles and Tofuu (which is also really confused since he's apparently back from the dead???) and they try to cook things (also it's ironic how they all have food names LOL!)
"What do we cook? Bread?" Peetahbread asks
"Hmm let's cook Noodles" Thinknoodles said, pulling out his stash of noodles.
"No let's cook Tofu" Tofuu said
"How about let's cook all of them" Thinknoodles suggested, Peetahbread sighs, Tofuu does the same but they all agreed that it would be fair to them. So they cooked a mix of them all and invited IBella and some others to try their concoction.
"Weird- but good" IBella said
"Yeah, I don't really like Tofu the food though, but I don't mind the noodles and bread" I said
"Good" Peetahbread said, "or else I would murder you" Peetahbread said under his breath
"What was that?" I asked
"Erm! Nothing" Peetahbread said, hiding a knife behind his back and silently laughing.
Tofuu then teleported away suddenly- probably going back to his music studio, I rolled my eyes, geez Tofuu can't you at least stay for a little while before going back to work?! Ugh-
~with Brianna~
She was shapeshifting into chuckles the chicken (hopefully I got his name right!)
But she was spying on everyone while they were eating, Preston walked into the room as well since he wondered where his wife went. He saw original chuckles and then the shape-shifted one and immediately knew so he said that it was her in front of everyone. Brianna immediately shifts back into her normal self after she gets caught by Preston.
"Fine you caught me" I said (it's Brianna's pov since it's with Brianna)
"Haha told ya guys" Preston said
"Your a pro at spotting fakes Preston" Liv said
"Definitely" Preston said, triumphantly. (Back to my pov) Brianna was full of regret but I gave them all a break after we were finished eating since the boys cooked good food and surprisingly didn't burn down the building.

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