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My favorite color is Purple but I really like pink and blue as well and different types of shades :)I go inside of Tanqr's room and spy on him stream sniping Kreek, I silently turned on Kreek's stream, put in my headphones and watched the chaos fl...

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My favorite color is Purple but I really like pink and blue as well and different types of shades :)
I go inside of Tanqr's room and spy on him stream sniping Kreek, I silently turned on Kreek's stream, put in my headphones and watched the chaos float in the air. Tanqr joins Bedwars with Kreek since he's streaming Bedwars.
"ELLO" Tanqr screams in voicechat
"What the heck, why do I hear Tanqr?" Kreek asks
"Because I'm in your head Kreekcraft!" Tanqr said
"Uhm- this is weird" Kreek said
"Nope not weird, just rivals having fun" Tanqr said
"Uh I guess so" Kreek said, then Tanqr kills him in the game since he's a pro gamer.
"HAHA" Tanqr said, Kreek then leaves the game and joins Royale high.
"What the heck why'd I join this game? Oh to troll Tanqr that's what" Kreek said without Tanqr hearing, Tanqr suddenly joins Kreek's game.
"What are you even supposed to do in this game?" Tanqr asks
"Well your supposed to dress up, which I doubt you can do that haha" Kreek said
"I sure can! Fashion contest here and now" Tanqr said
"Fine, we can do that" Kreek said, he had more accessories then Tanqr so he had an advantage.
Kreeks outfit:

Tanqr's outfit:

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Tanqr's outfit:

(Sorry I couldn't resist using the good items on Tanqr lol) "You- did better then me" Tanqr said "Haha yeah I did" Kreek said "You won this time but we are still rivals" Tanqr said "Yeah we are" Kreek said, and they continued their chaos while I i...

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(Sorry I couldn't resist using the good items on Tanqr lol)
"You- did better then me" Tanqr said
"Haha yeah I did" Kreek said
"You won this time but we are still rivals" Tanqr said
"Yeah we are" Kreek said, and they continued their chaos while I invited people over to stay at the studio for another sleepover.
When everyone gets here I explain the room assignments.
Ominous, Lego, Pinkleaf, IBella
Sabrina, Dj, Russo, JP (yes he's in the dare book now lol)
Tanqr, Kreekcraft. Hoopie, Kayla
Me, Keisyo, Cybernova, Leah, Sanna
Koneko, Calixo, Denis, Jayingee, Flamingo
Minitoon, Jandel, Forx (whatever his name is), Sketch, Bandi, Alex (from the pals)
Megan, Think, Jack and Bandites
I take a deep breath.
"Ok, that's everyone I hope your fine with your room assignments, now you guys can relax for the night in your rooms and we can all meet back in the morning since it's getting late. You all can stay up though if you want to" I said and everyone headed to their rooms and I watched the cameras since- I'm a curious person and I'm wondering if there are any fights starting.
JP and Russo in their room begin fighting, Sabrina and Dj seem annoyed at this but they decide to start a pillow fight and everyone is kinda chill after that so they go to bed after the pillow fight.
In Megan's room Bandites and Jack have a war with pillows, Think seems really annoyed so he stays back with Megan, they both try to sleep, Bandites and Jack reluctantly try to be quiet and after their long chaos session they go to sleep.
Denis and Calixo sleep in a sleeping bag together, their room is pretty chill except for the fact that Koneko is causing chaos since he has had way to much coffee but is about to crash. Devoun busts into their room and calms his child Koneko down (yes this is apart of a headcanon I have, Devoun is a dad of two children, Gorg pag and Koneko which he adopted Koneko and Gorg)
He hugs Koneko to calm him down, he also takes Koneko out for a walk and reads him a bedtime story and takes care of him basically like a human takes care of a cat since Koneko is basically a cat like Lucia Sabrina and Dj's cat also is.
They all go to sleep (or back to sleep) after the chaos occurs.
In the developer/some YouTuber room they all just edit or help each other with their games, Bandi and Sketch have a little bit of a fight since they are siblings and siblings fight. But it's about something stupid like Minecraft vs roblox and they stop after a couple minutes. Alex is deep in thought about random stuff so people in the room don't bother him. After they are done with everything they go to sleep.
Ominous, Lego, Pinkleaf and IBella play uno before they go to sleep, Beatduo vs Pink team. Pink team surprisingly wins the first round and Beatduo wins the second round since they played two rounds. Pinkleaf and IBella then read a book together after uno and Lego decided to teach Ominous how to play piggy before they played it together. After that they went to sleep by each other.
In Tanqr and Kreekcrafts room they bicker about random things like red vs blue and stuff like that. They also do a fist fight which Kayla and Hoopie eventually stop since they don't want Kreek to get hurt since Tanqr is strong.
They all eventually decide on doing a pillow fight which Tanqr of course wins and when they are sleepy they go to sleep.
Back in me and the girls room Sanna and Leah are chaotic before bed, Keiyso, Me and Cyber play Royale high together, we do a couple of sunset island rounds while Sanna and Leah are chaotic.
"Sanna Banana" Leah said
"Leah the feet queen" Sanna said
"That's just gross- I hate just your feet and gross feet but don't call me the feet queen ew" Leah said
"Then don't call me Sanna Banana" Sanna said
"I will until you get over your fear of bananas" Leah said
"I will keep calling you the feet queen then haha" Sanna said
"Fine" Leah said
"Fine" Sanna said, copying her and copying her sassy movement as well. Once they were done with the fight they had a pillow fight and then went to sleep afterwards. Me and the other girls got done with our fashion contest in Royale high and then went to bed, we had fun.
But suddenly at 3 am everyone hears edgy music like Mask by dream. And hears Albert scream singing as well, everyone mainly hears him singing mask by dream but not the curse word since he doesn't swear since he's a child friendly youtuber. They also hear a couple other edgy songs and cover their ears to sleep, Albert is an annoying little gremlin >:).
We do a little twolling-Albert and Jayingee since Jayingee joins into Alberts trolling with the music and vibes with him.
In the morning at breakfast we all lash out at Albert and Jayingee the chaos makers but we laugh at it mainly since we heard his off key singing.
But after breakfast and while Tanqr is still asleep Kreek steals Tanqr's mask and hides it away in a closet.
Ominous and Lego play piggy together, Ominous thinks it's quite fun and relaxing playing with Lego, Ominous begins to make Lego brick jokes and Lego laughs at each of the jokes. When they get done they just chill out with each other.
Tanqr then wakes up, realizes his mask is gone and immediately blames it on Kreek, puts a bag on his head with eyeholes and a mouth hole cut out of it and chases after Kreek.
"FINE FINE HERE" Kreek said, leading Tanqr to where he hid his mask.
"NEVER. DO. THAT. AGAIN." Tanqr yelled with a pause at each word.
"I-" Kreek said, he was terrified since he's never seen Tanqr like this, Tanqr quickly takes the bag off his head and throws the bag to the floor and quickly puts his mask back on.
"Much better" Tanqr said, he also felt better emotionally and is not angry anymore.
"Glad your- uhm better" Kreek said
"Oh and Kreek sorry for lashing out at you, I'm just protective over my mask" Tanqr said
"I understand, I'm the same way with my hat" Kreek said
"Makes sense" Tanqr said and he goes to the mini gym in the studio with Dj to let off some extra steam.
I then go to show the questions, Kreek answers first
"Tanqr's scary when he's angry so I'll have to give it a 8.5/10" Kreek said
"Alright thanks" I said
"No problem" Kreek said, then Ominous answers.
"Pretty fun to be completely honest with you but I'm still working on trying not to die" Ominous said
"Yeah, your gonna need a lot of practice" I said
"For sure!" Ominous said
And we all spent the rest of the day together until everyone that wasn't always at the studio had to sadly go home.

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