Midnight you get cookie 🍪

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Kreek, Devoun and Koneko go to steal Tanqr's mask while he's sleeping and then go hide it in Kreek's house but somewhere that he's not streaming so no one sees at all

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Kreek, Devoun and Koneko go to steal Tanqr's mask while he's sleeping and then go hide it in Kreek's house but somewhere that he's not streaming so no one sees at all. Koneko and Devoun sit down in the middle of the studio and hang for a while, Devoun has a scratch on his arm and Kreek looks at it confused as to why he has a scratch.
"Devoun why do you have a scratch on your arm?" Kreek asks
"Uh- uh" Devoun said, Koneko sighs
"I kinda lost control and uh- injured Devoun" Koneko said
"Oh- uh do you need a bandage?" Kreek asks
"It's still bandaged from yesterday since it happened yesterday when we were hanging out but yeah- I need a bandage change" Devoun said.
Kreek gets a bandage and unwraps Devouns bloodied bandage, it was a really deep scratch. Kreek then uses the new bandage on Devouns injured arm and he feels way better after changing it and continues with hanging out with Koneko. Koneko drinks his coffee while chatting with Devoun.
-with Tanqr after he wakes up-
Tanqr wakes up with looking everywhere for his mask, it's nowhere to be found, he sobs into his pillow trying to be silent but Hoopie hears him and busts into the room.
"What happened Tanqr?" Hoopie asks
"I-I can't find my mask and I swear I put it on the nightstand but it's gone" Tanqr said
"Well- you could just stay home today and I'll hang with you for as long as you need" Hoopie said
"T-thanks Hoopie" Tanqr said
"No problem" Hoopie said aloud, "it might be his rival Kreekcrap" Hoopie said under her breath.
"What was that?" Tanqr asks
"Nothing, now let's go watch TV and then play some Bedwars" Hoopie said and they went to go do that.
-back at the studio-
I teleported JP here and stuck Russo and him into a room.
"This is for your own good so good luck getting along!" I said through the door, JP turns off the lights and lights up a candle instead to make it look scarier.
"Why- are you making this all scary?" Russo asks
"Because I want to" JP said, putting the candle down and beginning to twirl his sword, Russo blew out the candle and turned on the lights.
"Ouch my eyes!" JP said
"What are you? Scared of the light?" Russo asks
"Yeah, how'd you know?" JP asks
"Since your eyes burn" Russo said
"I guess- so, but I'm just not used to light" JP said
"Yeah you better get used to it because it's gonna be your life now if you decide to stay here" Russo said
"True-" JP said then Russo notices his purple eye since he uncovered it.
"What happened to your eye?" Russo asks
"Well I got the hosts colors so that's why one of my eyes is purple and one is red" JP said
"Oh- interesting" Russo said, then they talk about what happened in the final battle for the rest of the time before I let them out of the room.
I smelled the air in the room and it smelled good- it smelled like lavender and tea tree, I guess JP has good taste in candles.
They were glad to get out of the room so much that Russo pushed JP out of the studio, JP was furious but didn't mind at the same time since he knew Russo hated him- kind of.
I then teleport Ominous, Lego and Spidella into the studio and show them the dare, Russo gets teleported out of the room.
Ominous and Lego decide on taking Spidella to the park and to Funky Friday, Ominous and Spidella 1v1, of course Ominous wins but Spidella is learning how to play still.
They also decide to get to know each other better with asking classic get to know someone questions.
They also decide to buy icecream, they see Sanna and Leah, Leah has a banana milkshake in her hands and drinks it in front of Sanna and Sanna looks scared and disgusted at the same time. Sanna is making jokes about her own feet while drinking an iced coffee and Leah is annoyed at this and punches Sanna. Spidella, Lego and Ominous don't get involved since it's their drama but they know it's gonna be ok since they are best friends but they just bicker a lot.
Ominous got a chocolate milkshake, Lego got a vanilla milkshake and Spidella got a strawberry one, she liked it so much and she even hugged Ominous.
"Sorry- she really likes hugs" Lego said
"Haha, I don't mind that" Ominous said, he pats Spidella on the head and she smiles at the head pat.
"She likes that as well" Lego said
"Good, also she's adorable, how did you find her?" Ominous asked
"I found her in an alleyway and she just liked me. Her mom even I shouldn't say it in front of her because it's triggering but you can guess, her dad is still alive but went missing so I took her in as her adopted dad" Lego said
"Oh ok, interesting" Ominous said, he hugged Spidella since she was thinking about her mom and dad. But she felt better after the hug and they continued talking about positive things, Spidella had to leave to go hunting, Lego went with her and Ominous stayed but liked meeting her again.
I then showed Bandites the dare that he had.
"Finally a dare, and easy your on!" Bandites said and I watched him play Arsenal with using only a knife. It was surprisingly easy for him to win with a knife and he did it twice!
"Woah" I said
"Amazing right? I did it with only a knife haha" Bandites said
"Yeah, I'm shocked, you did it twice as well" I said
"Ha yeah I did, thanks for the dare" Bandites said and I went to go get the rest of the questions.
Well my favorite dare/question so far was the smoothie one where midnight was teleported but I liked writing them all haha.
And my favorite question was the pingleaf pingbella joke ones haha.
I teleport Lego and Ominous into the room and show them their questions.
"Well yes I would like to spend more time with Spidella if I can since she's really sweet and a great daughter to have, we went hunting recently but she needed to go" Lego said, I then thanked him for answering and teleported him out of the room.
"My opinion on Spidella, she's wholesome and sweet to me, I also really think she has warmed up to me since she used to be shy" Ominous said
"I also would like to spend more time with Spidella" Ominous finishes and I thank him for answering and teleport him out of the room.
When the day finishes Tanqr gets his mask back from Kreek, Kreek reluctantly says sorry for taking it, Devoun and Koneko also say sorry for it since they accompanied Kreek in the deed. Devoun replaced his bandages again since the wound was still pretty bad, Koneko still felt bad as well.
I then teleported Tanqr in the room, he had his mask on again and answered the question.
"Well- I hated it being gone but Hoopie helped me since we stayed inside all day since I can't go out without my mask" Tanqr said
"Alright makes sense thanks for answering" I said and I teleported him away and waited for some more dares and questions >:)

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