More evil/angst dares since i luv em still :)

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First dare 1, I teleport Kreek and Tanqr into the reaction room and show them some Tanqr and Kreek fanart and videos

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First dare 1, I teleport Kreek and Tanqr into the reaction room and show them some Tanqr and Kreek fanart and videos.
"So- what do you think?" I ask after I showed them the stuff
"I like it" Kreek said
"I don't know how to feel about it but I understand that they are shipping our characters" Tanqr said
"Yeah, that's how I kinda feel as well" Kreek said
"Well- thanks for reacting" I said, and I teleported Tanqr away and replaced him with Lego brick Aka Pgh.

Basically this but with me instead of Tanqr lol.

But this also happens- Lego got so mad that he almost broke the TV but Kreek stopped him before he could go that far, Kreek also hit himself with a book to try to get that ship out of his brain but it was no use

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But this also happens- Lego got so mad that he almost broke the TV but Kreek stopped him before he could go that far, Kreek also hit himself with a book to try to get that ship out of his brain but it was no use. It was still there in his brain, I hate this ship as well it's just- NO and it's minor x adult 🤮
So definitely not it's really cursed. But I wanted to make another gacha scene so thank you to my brain for the idea even if I had to make Lego :>
Ok onto dare 3 and 4 which are kinda together but I'll do Tanqr first, I teleport Lego out and keep Kreek but teleport Tanqr here again. I transform them into Teenagers and teleport them to a high school and they live a day of that and basically live a day of their teenage lives and do homework again, they both enjoyed it surprisingly and after the day was done they were sad that it was over, both of them wanted to stay like that but were kinda glad to be back since Tanqr used to get bullied a lot in high school for having a mask and Kreek also got bullied for having a YouTube channel early. So yeah, they were happy to be back in the studio with me as adults and not teenagers anymore. So I teleported Kreek and Tanqr back home so that I could just relax and clean up.

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