Missed dares because (kinda) back

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Liv teleported Jackeryz into the studio so she could show him the dare

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Liv teleported Jackeryz into the studio so she could show him the dare.
Jackeryz then began to try to kidnap Spidella and it was easy for him to do so because Spidella was just hanging out with Shroud In another universe.

"Uh Liv, where's Spidella?" Lego asked
"No where!" Liv replied, teleporting over to Bandites and Tanqr for a while. Liv also teleported Kreek over as well so he could watch the chaotic 1v1 go down.
Liv left Kreek, Bandites and Tanqr alone for a while and checked on Spidella and Jack. Jack gave Spidella back after a while of having her.
"How do you feel about Jack now huh?" Liv asked, staring at Lego.
"Hate him... he stole my child! I wanna get him back for this!" Lego admitted as he hugged Spidella.
"Scawy man kidnapped me!" Spidella exclaimed, staring at Lego the whole time, Lego comforted her as Liv went back to Tanqr, Bandites and Kreek.

"QUIT IT!" Kreek yelled
"Nah mate" Tanqr replied, looking really wounded as Liv could also tell.
"NAH! I wanna kill him-" Bandites admitted
"I can kill you! Your on!" Tanqr challenged as they began to battle in arsenal and even if Tanqr was weak from Bedwars he could still kill Bandites. But Bandites didn't respawn since they were on real life mode.
"Oh shoot! I forgot to turn that mode off, oops!" Liv admitted, her arms out in a ridiculous pose.
"Welp I wanted him dead anyways Liv thank you!" Tanqr replied, going off with Kreek out on a friendship date.

Liv then teleported Hoopie and Kayla into the room, showing them some Tanqrcraft fanart.
"Uhhhh- why does this exist?" Kayla asked
"Well I don't know but what I do know is Kayla x Hoopie also exists thanks to a Wattpad user I know but I won't expose" Liv replied with a laugh.
"Oh- I wanna throw up!" Hoopie exclaims, grabbing a trash can and throwing up into it.
"We'll I'll leave you two... you two need time to chill!" Liv admitted as she left the room with them being super disgusted and weirded out at the same time.

Liv then bribed Sir meows a lot to bite Denis and he did it when Denis was hanging with Calixo.
"HEY! Why did you bite me?" Denis asked as if he could speak cat.
"Meow meow meow" was all Sir meows a lot replied to Denis as Calixo bandaged up the bloody wound.

Liv then also bribed Lego with pigs bacon to ignore Ominous for a day. For the whole day Ominous was begging Lego to speak. But after the day was done they hugged it out as bros and we're back to being friends since they technically were just not talking for the day. But they need each other lol.

"Albert- now that I'm here, here's the dare!" Liv said to Albert as she showed the dare.
"HAHAHA TIME TO PRANK TIFFANY MAYUMI!" Albert yelled as he went over to where she was.
He placed down some tnt and blew her to smitheries!
"You call that a prank?! You killed her Albert!" Liv questioned
"Well she deserved to die! Anyways EEEEEEEEEEEEE" Albert screamed, running away for now.

Liv sighed "Russo- can you help me this time?" Liv questioned, Russo nodded as he helped her get people to answer questions.

"So Kreek here's the next question!" Russo exclaimed as he showed him the next question for him.
"Oh well! Yes I do favor Timmeh over Spidella but Spidella is so sweet! It's hard to choose!" Kreek admitted
"Alright Kreek thanks for answering!" Russo replied as he put his arm around Liv's neck.
"No problem- cute couple by the way!" Kreek replied
"We aren't- fine we are" Liv admitted just as Kreek walked away.

Liv then goes over to Ominous once Russo goes to sleep from her sword since Russo was sleep deprived that night.
"Here's the next question!" Liv says as she passed the paper over to Ominous.
"Oh I- do like stargazing! It's amazing! Stars are even on my hoodie haha! I- would love to go stargazing with you, Lego, Cyber, Sabrina and Dj sometime!" Ominous suggested, Liv smiled.
"Can I come too?" Liv asked
"Sure! And bring Russo since we need all the hosts together haha!" Ominous replied, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly at the request since he was nervous to answer the question, Liv waved goodbye and Ominous waved back.

"Ughhhh now onto Albert again! Oh just kidding I'm not annoyed!" Liv exclaimed going over to Albert to show him the question.
"Hello again Liv, I hate Jake for winning so I would love to prank him! Again since I always prank him with Admin commands!" Albert replied to the question.
"Oh well then we have to get that prank done sometime! Bye Albert!" Liv exclaimed as she began to head to her and Russo's room again. Albert waved goodbye like a roblox player would do and went to go clean up Tiffany Mayumi's body.

(Welp that was a successful- troll chapter)
(Thanks for the old dares that I finally got done Midnight! MidnightF3line)
(Maybe people can suggest more! I enjoyed doing this!)

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