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I teleport Dj, Sabrina and Albert in the room, Albert starts to T-pose, I also teleport Lego brick in the room as well but he's behind the door

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I teleport Dj, Sabrina and Albert in the room, Albert starts to T-pose, I also teleport Lego brick in the room as well but he's behind the door.
"Everyone ready?" I asked
"Yeah" Sabrina said, beginning to t-pose herself
"Hah, totally" Dj said, doing the same thing that Sabrina did. I teleport Russo in the middle of the room and they start to yell.
Russo moves to the middle and sits down, he just sits there traumatized for his life.
"SACRIFICE HIM" Albert screams his maniacal scream
"SACRIFICE, SACRIFICE, SACRIFICE" Dj yells, suddenly everyone hears a door slam open, it's Lego...
"SHUT UP" Lego said
"Fine" Dj said
"Be a party pooper Lego brick" Albert said, rolling his eyes.
"Call me that all you want since your chanting is annoying" Lego said
"Ugh, I gotta admit your right" Russo said
"Yeah, I am right" Lego said
"Fine, yeah I agree but we did look like all the rb battles final battle glitches lol" Dj said
"Oh the T-posing glitches, definitely" Lego said
"We even suddenly stopped T-posing so your right" Sabrina said
"Yeah I am, now let's go check out how IBella is doing with breakfast, she's making smoothies with pancakes" Lego said and everyone went to the kitchen, she was obsessed with making smoothies lol.
Russo got up, still looking traumatized since they were about to sacrifice him.

I take Lego's phone when it's unlocked and open Wattpad up to the long live the king story

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I take Lego's phone when it's unlocked and open Wattpad up to the long live the king story. He reads the part where his daughter dies and starts to cry but then I teleport Spidella there to remind him that she is alive, Spidella wipes Lego's tears and hugs him, I leave them to have their moment since it's cute and I like leaving people alone when they are having a moment.
Meanwhile while Spidella and Lego are having their father and daughter moment Kreek and IBella team up on Tanqr to pull a prank on him. I help them with it- it's setting a trap on Tanqr's door since he's in his room at the studio. IBella makes the smoothie and puts it in a bucket, I help her make the smoothie and pour it into the bucket. Then Kreek uses rope and a pulley system to hook the bucket onto the door which it's gonna be funny, but we don't know if we are taking it too far.
Tanqr suddenly gets out of his room and gets the smoothie dumped all over his clothes and mask, he's really angry, he punches Kreek in the face since he knows that he is apart of this.
He then goes to try to get the smoothie off of his mask but it's hard to so he has to make another mask for himself which he's frustrated at, Kreek helps him with it though since he feels bad for pulling the prank.
"I'm sorry Tanqr we didn't know we would take it too far" Kreek said
"I accept your apology rival" Tanqr said with a smirk but not a suspicious one it was because he called Kreek rival and not Kreek like he normally does, but he does sometimes call him rival but not normally.
IBella cleans up the smoothie from the carpet and hates it but she does deserve it after taking the prank too far, she's like cinderbella lol.
I go back into where Lego and Spidella are and they have stopped hugging and comforting themselves from the reading of the fanfic.
I teleport Spidella out of the room and into Ominous's room since they needed to spend more time together. I then pulled up more Kreek x Lego stuff and hated seeing it, he has reacted to it before but still hates the new stuff that he's seen.
"Uhm- Liv I'm a minor and I want this to stop, seriously Kreek is an adult" Lego said
"Yeah- Ominous is an adult as well and they shouldn't ship you with him or Kreek" I said
"Exactly!" Lego said
"Opinion on Piggy ships?" I ask
"Hmm- Willow x Tigry is really nice, X player ones are nice as well" Lego said
"Yeah I agree, my favorite is Zizzy x Pony though" I said
"That one's awesome, but the only thing I hate about Piggy ships are the cursed ones" Lego said
"Same, hmm what else did I need to say?" I questioned "oh yeah! What did you think about the cursed ship?" I asked
"NO GO, I'm really traumatized" Lego said
"Same" I said and teleported Lego into Ominous's room until the next dare that he had to be in.

I teleport Kreek in the room and hand him a red and black dress in his size and I do his makeup which he doesn't mind at all

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I teleport Kreek in the room and hand him a red and black dress in his size and I do his makeup which he doesn't mind at all. I also hand him a red crown with black gems on it, Kayla appears and hands him a wig and heels. He reluctantly puts it all on even if he's just laughing himself in the mirror.
He walks out in the outfit and everyone is shocked at what he's wearing, they all take photos of him looking like this, he also streams in the outfit. He looks like this for the remainder of this part just so you know. He shines so bright that he almost blinds people which is shockingly beautiful and funny at the same exact time.
I then hand Ominous and Pingleaf each a wig and they put it on, I also give them dresses of their chosen color and they put on their own makeup. So they looked like girls which was funny, IBella even helped with Pingleafs makeup, they talked about Ping the whole time while the makeup was being done.
They took a group picture with Kreekcraft and IBella and the other finalists in their normal outfits. I then have Lego react to more fanfics this time x reader fanfics, he doesn't mind these since they aren't sad or disturbing well some of them maybe are but it's not a bother to him for the most part.
Afterwards everyone's voice turns squeaky and they have to deal with that for the rest of the day and are very annoyed at that, my voice even turned that way and I was annoyed but didn't mind since we all laughed at it but it gradually started to get annoying but it was still funny. After this part of the dares was over everyone went back to normal and the guys in dresses and makeup turned into their normal selves again and the squeaky voices were back to normal. Alberts voice sounded the most weird tbh- :)
But yeah hope you guys enjoyed this part! Suggest more! :D

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