7 is Dj and I's favorite number lol

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I teleport all of the finalists (except for Kreek since he was currently streaming like he was always doing in his room

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I teleport all of the finalists (except for Kreek since he was currently streaming like he was always doing in his room.)
They all did their own way of trolling him after I showed the dare.
Tanqr, was stream sniping him
IBella was annoying him while he was streaming by barging into the room with Pinkleaf by her side making ping jokes along the way. Kreek tried to calm the chat down but it was barely helping.
Denis just helped Pinkleaf and IBella with the troll and then began to help Tanqr so he was just the helper. Kreek was able to calm the chat down, the chat was just laughing at it the whole stream, I was laughing as well.
I then after Kreek's stream finishes since I was watching from the cameras (stalker ish I know but I had to see how they trolled him.) I showed Denis the dare, he seemed upset but gave in since it was a dare.
"I'm attached ok!" Denis said in a high pitched voice
"Who do you want to take care of him for a day?" I asked
"Calixo-" Denis said
"Oh- he has his ducks but I'll ask" I said
"If not him then- you" Denis said
"Erm I'm not the best with cats and you and Calixo can understand what he says" I said
"Oh yeah I forgot only the main competitors and Sabrina and Dj can hear him!" Denis said
"Yeah- me, Russo, Bandites, Jack and maybe some others can't since you didn't grant the ability to them yet" I said
"Yeah, now let's go find Calixo together" Denis said, i took his hand and Sir meows alot's paw and we went to go find Calixo. We found him at a barn in front of a duck pond with his ducks.
"Hey Calixo!" Denis said, tapping him on the shoulder
"Hey- what are you and Liv doing here?" Calixo asked
"We were just wondering if you would take care of sir meows alot for 24 hours" I said
"Sure- Denis can you take care of my ducks for 24 hours as well? They will get along with your crab Pinchy I think that's his name" Calixo said
Denis sighs, "fine" Denis said.
"Great!" Calixo said and Denis reluctantly gave Sir meows a lot up, a single tear fell down his face, I hugged him and whispered in his ear.
"Don't worry Sir Meows a lot is in good hands, Calixo is good with animals" I whispered
"T-thanks Liv, but you and Midnight better help me with these ducks" Denis said, pointing to the ducks in the basket that he was carrying, there were two of them, one named spicy and one named sour, sour was a girl and spicy was a boy.
"Alright fine" I said, teleporting Midnight into this as well, she was confused as to why she was here but I just pointed at the ducks.
"Bro no- I'm not taking care of those get me out of here" Midnight said
"Your dare, your problem" I said
"Ughhh fine" Midnight said, also teleporting Daybreak here
"What the-" Daybreak said
"I didn't want Daybreak here but I guess I deserved that-" I said
"I'm not- good with animals, I wanna kill them" Daybreak said, Midnight randomly pulled out handcuffs and cuffed Daybreaks hands and took his knife away.
"No killing Calixo's ducks or else he will literally murder Denis" Midnight said
"Well I would murder Calixo back even if I already hate him" Daybreak said, rolling his eyes
"I would murder you then" Midnight said
"Try me" Daybreak said
"I will, duel today after we put the ducks to sleep" Midnight said
"You on!" Daybreak said, we all drove home, Daybreak still restrained in the cuffs, Midnight watched to make sure he didn't escape. I mean he did try to escape multiple times but he couldn't because Midnight was holding the cuffs tight and also tied a rope around the cuffs so he wouldn't escape.
After we got home we all helped take care of the ducks, Calixo was at his house taking care of Sir meows a lot and was pretty good at at as well.
Once the ducks fell asleep I teleported Daybreak and Midnight into Sabrina and Dj's arena that they created for dueling since they had to practice their dueling skills as well. (Angsty scene coming up! Because I need more Midnight and Daybreak angst)
"You were horrible to me as a child so now you must pay" Daybreak said, angry tears begin falling down his cheeks.
"You hated me, that's why I have scars on my face" Midnight counters back
"Scars? Well how big are those scars because I have bigger scars" Daybreak said
"You don't!" Midnight said
"I do!" Daybreak said, Daybreak picks up a bow and some arrows, Midnight picks up her sword from her back and has a gun in her other hand, a purple one that Tanqr had given her just now since he wanted her to have a shooter weapon to counteract with the bow that Daybreak had.
Daybreak took a shot at Midnight, Midnight took a shot at Daybreak they both shot each other in the heart since they were fighting with words while fighting with weapons at the same time and couldn't dodge. "DAYBREAK!" Midnight yelled, running over to Daybreak while covering her bleeding chest with her hand. She cared about Daybreak deep down even if he was evil.
"M-midnight, you- came back for me?" Daybreak said
"Yeah I didn't want to just let you die, deep down I care about you" Midnight said, Daybreaks eyes start to fade. Midnights start to fade as well and both their skin colors begin to become pale. I dial Sabrina's number immediately because we are running out of time and this duel has become out of hand!
Sabrina rushes to the arena and comes to me, I quickly explain what happened to them and she rushed to them, she removed Midnight's hand from her heart and heals the wound, she does the same with Daybreak's wounds.
"I-I care about you as well" Daybreak said
"Geez- I thought you were evil and wanting to torture me to death" Midnight said
"Nah, I guess I'm beginning to change" Daybreak said.
"I guess so, now let's take care of the ducks some more" Midnight said
"Yeah, since we have to but first" Daybreak begins, pulling Midnight into a twins hug, me Sabrina and Tanqr ruin the moment by joining in, I laugh and we go back to taking care of the ducks for the rest of the day.
"Thanks for having us around" Midnight said
"Yeah now we will finally get along" Daybreak said
"Not so fast now Daybreak you are still evil- sorta" Midnight said
"True, and Liv we gotta go so see you next time" Daybreak said
"Yeah, see ya" Midnight said, hugging Daybreak again so that they could both teleport away, not harmed at all.
I then magically get another cookie dropped into my hands, it's in the shape of brite juice and it's In front of everyone since they all rushed out of their rooms.
"I want one!" Sabrina said, I eat it in front of her but magically bake a batch for everyone to have.
"I need the recipe" Sabrina said
"Here" I said, magically writing on a scroll a recipe for her and Dj and anyone else to use anytime.
"Thanks this recipe is awesome!" Sabrina said
"No problem!" I said
Then I went into a room and teleported Spidella into the room and infected Lego (I don't know any of the Au's so don't mind if this is my own way of writing it.)
"What happened to you dad?" Spidella said, Lego didn't reply, I stayed a safe distance from them both since Lego was infected, Spidella was fine and not infected, she was just confused and scared.
"D-dad?" Spidella asked, confused, I wanted to comfort her but I hid in the closet nearby (doors reference sorry not sorry)
"Who- are you?" Lego asks while trying to attack Spidella, Spidella uses her spider arms to climb up high away from him, she continued climbing until Lego collapsed on the floor from blood loss since I ran out of the closet with a bat in my hands.
"Spidella it's fine you can come down now" I said, she jumped down and I caught her with my arms.
"T-thanks but what did you do to my dad?" Spidella asks
"Oh don't worry he's just unconscious he should wake up and be normal in a few hours" I said
"Oh- well he's scary when he's infected" Spidella said
"I know Spidella, I know" I said, rocking her to sleep and then putting her In a crib inside of Lego's room.
I then teleported Denis in the room without sir meows a lot on his shoulder since he couldn't see what I was about to show Denis. I showed Denis the dare and he picked up sir meows a lot outside of the door.
"Sir meows alot I have bad news" Denis said
"HUH" Sir meows alot said
"Your being replaced by another cat" Denis said
"Who I wanna rip them to pieces!" Sir meows alot said
"...Lucia" Denis said
"Sabrina's cat?! Denis!!!" Sir meows alot yells at Denis and scratches his face, it bleeds.
"I was just kidding you idiot and ow" Denis said
"You deserved that" Sir meows alot said, Sabrina comes down the hallway and sees the huge scratch bleeding.
"Oh my goodness what happened?!" Sabrina asks, concerned about Denis (mom friend vibes)
"I- got scratched by this stupid cat!" Denis said
"I thought you loved cats" Sabrina said
"Well yeah I do but this one scratched me for making a joke!" Denis said
"I heard it from across the hall!" Russo said
"You used your truth hearing didn't you?" Denis asks
"...fine, yes I did" Russo admits, he explains what they were chatting about since he could understand sir meows a lot and Sabrina healed Denis with her sword since she had it on her.
I then teleported Devoun, Gorg pag and Koneko into the room, Koneko had his coffee in his hand as usual. Devoun held Gorg pag and then opened the window, Koneko watched as Gorg pag got yeeted out the window.
"BRO WHY" Koneko yells
"I didn't want him anymore" Devoun said
"That doesn't mean you throw a child out of the window!" Koneko said, he runs out to catch Gorg pag before he falls from the 2nd story, he manages to catch Gorg pag, abandoning his coffee (poor coffee but he can just make more, he can't make another brother.) He lightly hugs Gorg pag since he's so delicate and brings him inside and slaps Devoun in the face for throwing his brother out of the window, he also bites Devoun's hand again.
"What was that for?!" Devoun yells
"For throwing my brother out of the window" Koneko said, stomping away with Gorg pag in his arms. He takes his anger into Devoun's room and takes the crib away from him and into his room for him to take care of Gorg pag for now. Tears flow down Koneko's cheeks but Gorg pag pets his ears and he purrs meaning that he likes it.
(Back with Flamingo since he's been in that cage for a while but he's still being fed)
"DEVOUN LET ME OUT!" Flamingo screamed
"Not until the chat (readers) suggest a punishment for you" Devoun said, yelling so he could hear.
"FINE! I have all I need in here anyways" Flamingo said, crossing his arms.
(Back with me)
Spidella comes downstairs well rested, I show her the question
"Yes he was scary, but he will be back to normal soon" Spidella said
"Yeah, you want a smoothie" IBella asks since she was also downstairs with her and saw the question.
"Yeah" Spidella said
And I left them be alone because I wanted to be nice.
I knocked on Pinkleaf's door since he was filming, he stopped and opened the door. I showed him the question.
"10/10 I hate that skill issue" Pinkleaf said
"Alright, good to know I'll leave you to filming- Bedwars?!" I exclaimed
"Yes now leave me be, I'm practicing to beat Tanqr" Pinkleaf said
"Alright- not gonna judge" I said, closing the door.
I then went back downstairs with Spidella and IBella to show Spidella the final question.
"Yes it did traumatize me" Spidella said, still drinking her smoothie which she really liked.
I then went to rest with the other hosts, Sabrina, Dj and Russo by my side. We covered our ears when Flamingo screamed since it was annoying, but Devoun put him in the cage again after a few breaks outside for a reason.
(Also I loved writing the angsty scene so ty for creating Daybreak Midnight)
Finally done with these set of dares!

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