Dare 3 and 4

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*teleports to a room with Pinkleaf and IBella again* *shows IBella dare, she laughs* "Hey Pingleaf come over here" IBella said from across the room

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*teleports to a room with Pinkleaf and IBella again*
*shows IBella dare, she laughs*
"Hey Pingleaf come over here" IBella said from across the room. He comes over to her
"Hahahahaha it's the Ping" IBella said
"Yeah- that's why I'm lagging" Pinkleaf said
"Pingleaf you are lagging because of ping the lag is your ping" IBella said
"Yeah, it's all the ping the ping is the ping is the ping" Pinkleaf said
"Agreed, Pingleaf" IBella said, "pinkleaf? More like Pingleaf" IBella said with a maniacal laugh at the end. I just sat in the corner eating Rb battles popcorn because this was very entertaining, but Pinkleaf seemed annoyed lol.
"Pingleaf are you annoyed?" IBella suddenly asks
"No PingBella" Pinkleaf said
"That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever Pingleaf" IBella said
"PingBella" Pinkleaf said
"Pingleaf!" IBella said
This goes on for a long time until I stop it with them being done in the room. "Guys, your done you can stop now" I said
"Fine" IBella rolls her eyes
"Alright, gladly I will stop, I know no one can stop her except for you, Thanks Midnight for the good dare" Pinkleaf said laughing while he leaves the room.
"Yeah, thanks midnight for entertaining me as well, ima just go after Pingleaf myself" IBella said and she leaves as well with me still in the room, I grab Kreek and Tanqr for the next dare.
(No comment this time but I dare them to continue arguing about pop tarts and brownies since it's a continuation of last dare part that midnight dared)
I show Kreek the dare since he had to start it.
"Poptarts are better then brownies!" Kreek said
"No! Brownies are better, they aren't full of sugar and you can substitute" Tanqr said
"Well poptarts have many different flavors, brownies only have one" Kreek said
"One?! You can put sprinkles on them and so many different toppings, you can't do it with poptarts they are just already on there" Tanqr said
"Well- poptarts are easier to make" Kreek said, crossing his arms.
"Well brownies are better, there's your argument" Tanqr said, also crossing his arms
"You guys are- done I guess, I take Tanqr's side though" I said
"YES finally someone agrees!" Tanqr said
"Alright, you've won this time Tanqr" Kreek said, they both teleport away and I wait for the next dare at my desk in the room, what is it gonna be? :)

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