What happens next is shocking (read in Devouns voice hehe)

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I teleport Ryguy into the room and show him the dare "Finally a dare, I'm so underrated" Ryguy said with a sassy hairflip even though he has short hair

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I teleport Ryguy into the room and show him the dare
"Finally a dare, I'm so underrated" Ryguy said with a sassy hairflip even though he has short hair. Kreek would do a better hair flip lol also forgor that big b was in rb battles lol, but anyways on with the dare.
Ryguy takes all of the cookies from Big B's kitchen while he is sleeping and he burns them all but eats some since he's hungry.
Big B wakes up confused as to where his cookies went but checks and sees someone hiding behind a wall.
"Oh hey rival- wait- rival? What are you doing here?!" Big B said
"I-I uh wanted to hangout with you" Ryguy said
"Suspicious- you sound like your lying, tell the truth" Big B said
"NOPE BYE-" Ryguy said
"Wait bye?! Don't leave, not so fast!" Big B said, he ran after Big B and that's when Big B saw the remains of a cookie left in his backyard.
"Hmm what's this Ryguy? Cookie chocolate chips and crumbs, did you eat my cookies?" Big B asks
"Fine! I did eat some of them- but burned the rest, you deserve it for being obsessed with cookies" Ryguy said
"Well your obsessed with that stupid soccer game on roblox" Big B said
"THAT WAS ONE TIME-" Ryguy yelled
"Sureeee" Big B said, they then spent the rest of the day arguing and baking cookies together (ofc this ends wholesome lol)
I then teleport Jack into a room and show him the dare
"Easy for me, I'm intimidating as heck" Jack said. He then went to a daycare and picked a random child to say that to.
"Your a foolish grapefruit" Jack says to the child
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAA" the child said, Jack then punches it (sorry child oop-) and runs away from the daycare before he got banned.

 "Your a foolish grapefruit" Jack says to the child "WAAAAAAAAAAAAA" the child said, Jack then punches it (sorry child oop-) and runs away from the daycare before he got banned

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I teleport Ashley to the rbb studio, I also teleport Sabrina and Dj since Russo was probably hanging out with JP again smh.

(Still dare Russo since he's well my favorite out of the guy hosts sorry DJ! But it's mainly cause I've been in one of his videos lol, and I like his personality, but here's a random gacha scene of them just floating at the end of le game hehe) Bu...

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(Still dare Russo since he's well my favorite out of the guy hosts sorry DJ! But it's mainly cause I've been in one of his videos lol, and I like his personality, but here's a random gacha scene of them just floating at the end of le game hehe)
But anyways, Ashley begins trying to cook food for her bloxburg children at the studio since she doesn't know how to get back to bloxburg from here yet. Annd she's bad at cooking so she kinda starts a fire but Sabrina and Dj catch her so it doesn't get any worse and burn down the studio.
"JUDGES?!" Sabrina said
"Sorry had to fill in for Russo" Sabrina said
"Makes sense haha" Dj said, they rovolk Ashley's stove privileges and just cook whatever she wanted for her children for her.
I teleport Kreek and Tanqr inside a room next and they start pranking each other like crazy (Idk what pranks they could pull so ima just say that) they also had a nerf war which of course Tanqr won, obviously since he's better at using weapons, even in real life (since this is in roblox and real life) I then left them be until the next dare.
I then teleport Devoun into the room (you expected him to be HERE based on the title! Hehehehehhehehehehehee)
I show him the dare since he's the police officer in this scenario which is perfect.
"Devoun and Gorg pag are on the case!" Devoun said, holding Gorg pag Simba style
"Let me down you idiot" Gorg pag said, I could of course understand what Gorg pag said since I'm the author but Devoun let's Gorg pag go into his car seat. I go with them just to see the chaos that's gonna go down, when we get to where Albert is just walking Devoun pulls Albert aside to talk to him about his crime.
"Hello?! HELLO?!" Albert screams, getting Devoun's attention
"Your under arrest Mr" Devoun said
"Why exactly" Albert said, the handcuffs were being put around his arms while he said that.
"We've been getting complaints from your neighbors about there being an obnoxious amount of screaming so you've been causing a disruption" Devoun said
"Uhm sounds weird but ok" Albert said, he surprisingly obliged to the fact that he was getting arrested. Devoun brings Albert into the cell that they have in the studio and reveals himself since he was wearing a hoodie and a mask.
"Haha now you will stay here while the hosts decide your punishment, but they need to come back from their night out first" Devoun said
"Wait no- don't leave! UGH" Albert said, rolling his eyes in annoyance.
I then go into a different room then the cell and teleported Ashley in the room, I showed her the question.
"Well- hehe, I have four right now" Ashley said
"Ooh! That's quite a few" I said
"Yeah- uhm! I gotta get back to them, I'm not a monster you know" Ashley said and she teleported herself away back to bloxburg I wondered how she did that- hmm!
I then teleport Kreek and Tanqr in the room to ask them the final questions.
"Well- uh I don't mind the nicknames they were quite funny, Cryqr?" Kreek asks
"HM oh I was zoning out because I was staring at you hat, what was the question?" Tanqr asks, I show it to him again
"I didn't mind it, name calling doesn't bother me at all it's quite- funny" Tanqr said and then I showed Tanqr the last question.
"Uhm well it was annoying because I've spent so much money on that house but she's gonna pay me back since I'm gonna make her" Tanqr said, then Kreek starts arguing with him again about random stuff, I just get out of the room and leave them alone again. I just go check on Albert and give him his dinner while he's waiting for the hosts. (And guys you get to choose his punishment if you want anyway)
Also for the people who aren't Midnight you can do lists of dates since that's easier for me (Midnight has already been doing this lol) so yeah ty for reading this part!

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