Midnight here's another cookie 🥹🍪

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Evil Liv yeets Liv out of a window (I'm making them 2 different people for this so basically like Daybreak and Midnight as twins or sisters

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Evil Liv yeets Liv out of a window (I'm making them 2 different people for this so basically like Daybreak and Midnight as twins or sisters.)
"BRO- why" Liv said
"You deserve it, now stay there" I said (Evil Liv's perspective now)
"Oh fine" Liv said, I turn Liv into stone for the time being (yes she can do that)
"Now let's commence the dares, shall we?" I asked
"Y-yea" Russo said, trembling since he saw what I did to Liv
"Oh don't worry about her~ she will be fine" I said
"But you-" Russo said, trying to continue but couldn't because he was afraid
"Don't be scared of me, be scared of her~ she was the one who brought be here, Liv was" I said
"You brought yourself here" Russo said
"Well yes, now bring in Lego and Ominous for me Russo" I demanded
"A-alright" Russo said and he reluctantly did what I had said to do, he brought Ominous and Lego, I teleported Spidella here since she was somewhere else at the time.
"You all have to go to a haunted house, and I've planned the perfect one for you" I said
"Interesting- you didn't have to but thanks Liv" Ominous said
"I'm not Liv!" I said
"Then why do you look like her?" Ominous asks
"Because I'm the alternate version of herself~ she's outside of you wanna see her" I said, Lego, Ominous and Spidella look outside, shocked to see that it was just a stone statue.
"You only have a day that you have to deal with me~
Sadly" I said that last word being under my breath. I then teleported Lego, Ominous and Spidella into the haunted house I created. Lego and Ominous were the most scared but Spidella was unphased since she was a spider and has seen the creatures before well most of them at least but the infected pigs/creatures were the only ones that scared her which Lego and Ominous comforted her then and Ominous comforted Pgh (platonically like hugging him) but they had fun and escaped even if it was hard since it was a haunted house plus and escape room.
I laughed so hard when I saw them scared since I liked scary stuff and didn't mind it, my twin was the opposite she hated it but didn't mind most of it but it just depended on what it was exactly. She was mainly scared of me her other half, the villain version of herself.
"Finally you guys escaped, now as your prize I'll let you have a break" I said
"Thank you-" Ominous said, Lego put Spidella on his shoulders and held Ominous in his arms since he was trembling with fear and he wanted Lego to carry him. They then went upstairs to have a break.
"Yes more violence >:)" I said with an evil smile, I then teleported Koneko, Gorg pag and Devoun here and teleported them into the carnival map. They were confused but Gorg pag has been there before so he helped the best he could and distracted the infected since he knew how to do that while Devoun and Koneko worked together, Koneko didn't know the land at all so Devoun helped for the most part. And they escaped the carnival no harm was done except for tons of scratches on Gorg pag but those were not from Koneko since he loses control of himself sometimes (headcanon lol.)
"Gorg! Come here" Koneko said, reaching out his hand for Gorg pag, he walks over to his brother and takes his hand and they escape.
"What- happened in there Gorg?" Koneko asks
"They tore me apart but not that much that I would be dead" Gorg pag said, Koneko since Devoun didn't have any bandages wrapped the bandages around Gorg pags wounds and gave him a few head pats, Devoun did the same. They then got teleported back into the rb battles studio after the cutscene was over. I then reluctantly gave them a break as well.
~after the break was over~
I teleported everyone into the room and handed Kreek a microphone.
I sigh "no violence but I guess it kinda mentions mental violence" I said, then I let Kreek say his line.

Kreek said this :,)
"OOH BURN" Lego said, everyone else is shocked but knows it wasn't meant for them.
The hosts except for Liv of course all laugh at what he said since they thought that it was funny, Evil Liv seems unphased since she barely has any emotions but still technically has emotions. Everyone claps for Kreek, the girls all go back to hanging out together in their rooms.
"You want me to do your hair Keisyo?" IBella asks
"Yeah sure, can you dye the tips bright pink?" Keisyo asks
"Yeah sure!" IBella said, she leads them to her room with the other girls, Megan, Cari, Ashley, Leah and Sanna idk if I'm missing any but I feel lazy so ima not check so just pretend I said the others and Sabrina is busy so she can't come with them.
I then move over to the questions.
"Uhm- let's just start with the hosts, me I fear my twin Liv but I got rid of her- for now anyways" I said
"I'm scared of Dj because he's gonna rule the world someday" Sabrina said
"I'm sorta scared of JP-" Russo admits
"HEY!" Dj said to Sabrina
"It's true!" Sabrina said
"Ugh fine, Sabrina keeps going on ridiculous spending sprees so Sabrina" Dj said back countering her statement.
I then teleport the boys here to answer
"I'm scared of losing" Pinkleaf said
"I'm scared of Failure as you could already tell" Kreek said
"Same but I never fail" Tanqr said triumphantly.
"I'm scared of losing at funky Friday" Ominous said
"But you've lost a few times with me-" Lego said
"SHH" Ominous said
"Fine but I won fair and square, I'm scared of Willow when she's angry" Lego said
"Hey!" Willow said
"You can't be here right now!" I said, teleporting Willow away
"I'm scared of Tiffany Mayumi-" Jayingee said
"HAHA NOOB" Flamingo yelled, he was still in handcuffs of course.
"HEY! RUDE!" Jayingee said, flipping his short hair
"Well then I'm scared of Bean soup and horror games, but I just hate bean soup" Flamingo said
"BUT I LOVE BEAN SOUP" Jayingee yelled
"OK SO" Flamingo yelled, they fight about bean soup until I put a silence spell on them for a while. It would wear off in five minutes so I had to do the rest of the fears quick.
"Polercub is scary sometimes" Denis said
"Sir meows a lot when he's angry" Calixo said, they kissed each other after they said their fears and left going to watch the sunset.
"Not having roblox drama to cover" Devoun said
"Same" Koneko said
"I'm scared of the piggy infection" Gorg pag said
"Same!" Spidella said, bringing the other girls here.
"I'm scared of Tanqr beating me" Bandites said
"Same" Jack said, "I'm scared of Jayingee since we are kinda rivals" Jandel said (hopefully I portrayed the boys well!)
I then teleport them all away (sorry if I missed one of two)
"I'm scared of Bananas of course" Sanna said
"Well I'm scared of your feet, the mushrooms on your feet are gross" Leah said
"Well I'm scared of Flamingo since he impersonated me once" Megan said
"I'm scared of Peetahbread when he's angry" Ashley said
"HEY!" Peetahbread said
"Your not supposed to be here right now either-" I said, teleporting him away
"Ok, fin-" Peetahbread tries to say
"I'm scared of Pinkleaf when he's competitive or angry" IBella said
(I missed Think, Hyper and Poke let me do those real fast)
"I'm scared of the piggy infection as well" Think said, then he flys away on his wings
"I'm scared of chemical x and u" Hyper said
"Same" Poke said, they teleport away together. Then I face back to the rest of the girls.
"I'm scared of Spiders, but not Spidella she's fine" Keiyso said
"I like spiders- anyways I'm scared of snakes" Cybernova said, then I teleport everyone back to their rooms and move onto the next question.
"Well my favorite food is uhm- blood but I don't have it a lot since my favorite is human blood but I have to have animal blood most of the time, I'm not a vampire, I just prefer blood" I said then I teleport Liv here from outside and she's cracked but I reluctantly turn her back to normal and show her the question.
"Uhm- well chicken tenders or tacos but I haven't had tacos In a while so chicken tenders if I had to choose one" Liv said, it was hard for her to breathe because of the crack on her neck. I decided to not call Sabrina since I wanted to see her suffer with this but I kinda felt bad but not really. Liv laid on the couch suffering with the cracks but she was still alive at least.
Oh shoot- I gotta teleport Sabrina here and she will see this, ugh fine!
I reluctantly teleport Sabrina and Dj here and they immediately see Liv like that.
"Liv?!" Sabrina exclaims concerned, Liv coughs up blood since it's hard for her to breathe.
"H-here" Sabrina said, pulling out her sword and healing Liv with her healing powers. I was annoyed at that but at least she didn't just let Liv die. Liv sat up and began talking to Russo since he randomly teleported near her as well.
I showed Sabrina and Dj their question after they were done over there.
"Our old covers are pretty good but we've quit doing them because of the views and running multiple channels at once and no we aren't working on any music that you haven't heard yet- but maybe we will" Dj said
"Yeah maybe- I haven't sang in a while well only that one time when Russo was sick I mainly play my guitar with Dj though" Sabrina said
"Yeah she does play guitar with me more but thanks for the question" Dj said, I then disappeared since the day was one and Liv was back as the host.
"Finally she's gone" I said, her voice was still blaring in my head but it's died down since she's been bored of bothering me.
Russo comforted me through all of this though and even let me help with his detective work. Sabrina and Dj began to help as well since they felt like helping.

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