Question 1 and more dares

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*teleports Kreek in front of me* *shows question to him* "Well Midnight, Easy answer, Tanqr of course he's my rival after all but don't tell him I would pick him over IBella and Pinkleaf I don't want him to be angry with me" Kreek said "Alright- t...

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*teleports Kreek in front of me*
*shows question to him*
"Well Midnight, Easy answer, Tanqr of course he's my rival after all but don't tell him I would pick him over IBella and Pinkleaf I don't want him to be angry with me" Kreek said
"Alright- thanks for answering honestly" I said and teleported Kreek out of the room.
I made a table appear in the middle of the room and put 5 cups of coffee on the table and then teleported Koneko into the room and showed him the dare.
"Bet, but I guess Devoun will have to deal with how crazy I'm gonna get" Koneko said with a laugh.
He then drank all of them within 10 minutes which I was shocked that he did that so quickly, I teleported Devoun here to take him home since I think it's dangerous to teleport someone this hyper.
"What- happened here?" Devoun asks
"It was a dare you need to deal with how hyper he is now" I said
"What the- how do you think I'm supposed to deal with this?!" Devoun asks, kinda freaked out
"Uhh- idk, cya" I said, leading them out to the parking lot of my studio.
Dare three time :)
I teleport Russo, Sabrina and Dj into the room and have a stock of candy on the table now instead of the coffee cups. "Here's the dare for Russo" I said, he reads it and does the dare. He feels hyper but sick at the same time.
"Uhh- he never is this hyper" Sabrina said
"Welp first time for everything" I said with a laugh
"I guess we will have to deal with him now" Dj said
"Yeah we will have to deal with him now" Sabrina said, she picks him up with Dj's help and they go out the same way as Devoun and Koneko.
Ah, that was chaotic, oof I forgot dare one! Gotta get Kreek and Tanqr for the millionth time lol.
I get Kreek and Tanqr by teleporting them again
"Back here so soon?" Kreek said
"Yes you and Tanqr have a dare" I said
"How long should we stay in a room for?" Tanqr asks
"As long as you can handle- if you can handle two hours I'll be shocked" I said and then I locked them in a random room in the studio.
"Hmm what should we do" Tanqr asks
Kreek casually pulls out monopoly from the game cabinet.
"No-" Tanqr said, he pulled out a computer and logged into his roblox account and Kreek did the same.
"Fine we will do a Bedwars match, 1v1?" Kreek asks
"Your on!" Tanqr said and they do this, it takes them an hour to finish the match which was the longest match ever.
"Good game, your a pro at this" Kreek said
"Why thank you mate" Tanqr said
"Surprisingly we do get along- at some parts" Kreek said
"Yeah, we can last another hour in here, right?" Tanqr questions
"Maybe but what you wanna do?" Kreek asks
"Jailbreak?" Tanqr asks
"Fine, let's do a parkour war in the rb battles integration" Kreek suggests and that's just what they do, Kreek wins by a longshot and Tanqr is jealous about the win and crosses his arms.
"Actually I wanna get out of here, but one more match I can win this time" Tanqr said
"Sure you can" Kreek said, rolling his eyes at Tanqr
"Hey!" Tanqr said and they decide on doing one more round, Kreek wins again so I guess he's better at parkour. "Fine you won fair and square" Tanqr said
"Told ya" Kreek said and then they are finished with being in the room. I let them out
"You lasted pretty well, probably only one argument or two" I said
"Yeah, that was pretty fun" Kreek said
"Not for me, I hated it" Tanqr said
"Hated that I beat you at parkour!" Kreek said
"Fine, I'll admit that your correct" Tanqr said and then they left by me teleporting them out.
Lol thanks for the dares and the one question that was fun!~

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