HI *roblox wave here*

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I teleport the au characters to my au (sorry if I don't write this as good but thanks for the explaination~) "Who are you guys?" Sabrina asks "We are you, but animatronics" they all say in unison "Eh- they are cool, we should keep them!" Russo sug...

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I teleport the au characters to my au (sorry if I don't write this as good but thanks for the explaination~)
"Who are you guys?" Sabrina asks
"We are you, but animatronics" they all say in unison
"Eh- they are cool, we should keep them!" Russo suggested
"You are not keeping them in my studio" I said
Russo just sighs "ugh fine, I mean you are smart they could be dangerous" Russo said, then they kinda turn violent, the animatronic Sabrina takes the real Sabrina's boppers off of her and rips them to pieces. 
"That will happen to Dj if Russo doesn't stop calling us dangerous" the animatronic Sabrina said
"I-I" Russo said, stunned, Sabrina just stands in shock as a single tear falls down her cheek.
"I'll-I'll get you a new pair" Dj said, Sabrina nods and turns towards Russo and mouths "don't you dare call them violent again, you hear me?"
Russo understands what she meant and didn't say another violent word to the animatronics. The rest of the meeting went smoothly with them just talking about what they were doing right now and what they wanted to do in the future. Then the meeting time was over and the animatronics had to return to their au before the owner realized that they were gone.
"Those clones were cool" Russo said
"I agree but they were violent and I can say that because they aren't here right now" Sabrina said
"Yeah, let's go get some new purple boppers for you" Dj said, he took her hand and took her to the store to get a new pair of boppers for herself with Dj's robux since he has a lot from just taking over the world one simulator at a time >:)

 "Those clones were cool" Russo said "I agree but they were violent and I can say that because they aren't here right now" Sabrina said "Yeah, let's go get some new purple boppers for you" Dj said, he took her hand and took her to the store to get...

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Bandi kicks down Sketch's door
"Hey what was that for!" Sketch said
"You got games on yo phone?" Bandi said
"Uhm- yeah now repair the door" Sketch said
"Nope- good luck with that" Bandi said and Sketch was furious while he fixed the door of his room.
Keisyo hosted a magic show since she was bored and had Megan, IBella and Sabrina with her as guest stars of the show, Everyone watched.
"Time to cut Megan open" Keisyo said
"UHM alright, I'm not that chill about this but ok- just don't actually cut me open" Megan said
"DO IT" Albert yelled
"Why did he have to come here" Devoun said rolling his eyes since he was forced to set Albert free from the cage since no one would give him a punishment and he was forced anyways by Jayingee.
But Keisyo does that magic trick where you cut someone open but actually don't, Megan was glad to be actually alive. Then Keisyo did a bunch of other magic tricks with IBella, Sabrina and Megan and they had fun. Everyone clapped at the end of the show and was glad they saw this chaotic but good show that Keisyo planned to make them watch.
"Ima make y'all watch again sometime" Keisyo said, everyone laughed at that.
"YES" Albert yelled, He pulled Jayingee, Denis, Devoun and Calixo into a group hug.
"You know I hate this, right?" Devoun said
"Your lying, don't lie you like this don't you?" Albert asks
Devoun sighs "fine I'll admit I do like it" Devoun admits, then Denis forces Calixo to wear a dinosaur costume like the next dare said, I ran outside to watch them. They held hands to go outside together but then Calixo let go to go out on his own which was just him being stupid. But he tripped down the stairs, Denis tried to hold in his laughter and I tried to do the same but it didn't work and we fell on the floor laughing but stopped since we had to both help Calixo up. After that happened Denis and Calixo hung out and I left them alone since I didn't wanna bother them~
Denis got Calixo out of the Dino suit carefully and then kissed him on the lips.
"I love you" Denis said
"I love you too Denis~" Calixo said back
The ship must sail!

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