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I teleport every season 2 competitor into bloxburg with me, Ashley and Peetah

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I teleport every season 2 competitor into bloxburg with me, Ashley and Peetah.
"Let's commit arson on Tanqr's house >:)" Ashley suggests
"Yes, but don't forget to save the bread >:(" Peetah said
"Classic Peetah" I said rolling my eyes.
They both committed arson to Tanqr's house with Kreek watching in awe, Tanqr was just standing there wanting to murder someone for burning down his fancy house since- that's what he bought with his robux (irl roblox games sometimes like in this situation lol)
Tanqr just sits and cries under his mask.
"Cry baby, I should call you Cryqr" Kreek said
"Oh shut up Kreekcrap" Tanqr said
"Cryqr" Kreek snaps
"Kreekcrap" Tanqr snaps back, Ashley and Peetah go back to burning all of bloxburg down, sadly killing some civilians but they were the people that they hate so they didn't mind.
The rest of the s2 competitors were either still in shock or joined in with the chaos. There were absolutely no cops in bloxburg (expect for Devoun which wasn't in s2 but he's here anyways to join in the chaos.)
Everyone was so chaotic right now- Russo, Sabrina and Dj couldn't even stop it and they were the mature ones in this situation.
Peetah saved all the bread for himself since he's obsessed with it, he's even wearing a bread suit! So he's obsessed with bread, Ashley saved all of the unicorn decorations and dresses since she wanted to keep at least the girly stuff safe.
We finished the day in bloxburg off with just escaping the flames since uh- they were spreading. So everyone held onto my hand and we immediately teleported away, we then had a sleepover with Peetah and Ashley joining since we forgot them last time and since they were kinda busy since we saw them posting.

I teleport Albert in the room and I make his voice squeaky (don't ask how I just do) "UH EEEEEEEEEEEEEE earthworm sally EEEEEEEE" Albert randomly screams, his voice sounds like Alvin and the chipmunks and the earthworm sally themesong and greenscr...

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I teleport Albert in the room and I make his voice squeaky (don't ask how I just do)
"UH EEEEEEEEEEEEEE earthworm sally EEEEEEEE" Albert randomly screams, his voice sounds like Alvin and the chipmunks and the earthworm sally themesong and greenscreen man had a child together (Sorry weird description but still!)
Everyone reacted- shockingly all the same just shocked and laughing at his voice, he was annoyed at the laughter at his voice but he was laughing as well.
I then revert his voice back to normal since he would literally kill me if I didn't and moved onto the next dare.
"OH TANQR" I yelled, he came downstairs, I was practically keeping them in the studio as a home now, I mean it's a big house and we can still see each other everyday lol.
But I show Tanqr the dare and he laughs his demon laugh (hopefully you know what I'm talking about.
"AYE WHAT HAVE I JUST HEARD?!" Kreek said, coming downstairs, he punches Tanqr in the face since he laughed his maniacal demon laugh.
"I was about to scream OH KREEKCRAFT BUT YOU- UGH, anyways- here" Tanqr said, he passes Kreek a maid dress in his size.
"Oh fine, just for you Cryqr" Kreek said jokingly
"Good Kreekcrap" Tanqr also said jokingly, (YES they said their nicknames again) >:)
Kreek went to go change and he looked- wonderful when he came out of the bathroom. Tanqr laughed his maniacal demon laugh again, Jeez it's kinda creepy but funny at the same time.
"Quit it" Kreek said
"No, Whinecraft" Tanqr said
"Meanqr" Kreek said, I leave them to their bickering since they needed distance from me anyways.
I then go into a different room and teleport Willow and Lego into the room, she doesn't have her gun since she trusts Lego.
But I secretly show him the dare and he slaps Willow
But Willow just shrugs the slap off since it's not harming her, she casually slaps Lego back, Lego doesn't mind though since he deserved it for slapping her and yelling. I then just leave them alone since they haven't hung out in a while I'm guessing. I go into another room and teleport Albert and give him the question.
"I like both ships ya noob!" Albert said
"JUDGES?!" Russo said
"Everywhere and nowhere" Russo said then his voice disappeared from the intercom.
"Thanks for answering Albert you can leave now if you'd like" I said
"Alright, BYE SISTER!" Albert yells on his way out, classic >:)
I then teleport Kreek into the room and ask him the very important question
"Erm Tanqr since there's a more annoying LisaGaming out there and I'm obsessed with roasting the heck out of that sassy girl" Kreek said, I laugh at the way he said that and then thank him and send him on his way.
I then teleport Pinkleaf and IBella into the room and I also teleport LisaGaming into the room.
"Ew it's the skill issue" Pinkleaf said
"Who's thi- OH HER" IBella said, gradually yelling.
Idk how to really write this but they literally punch her down with insults and repeatedly call her a skill issue so I hope this doesn't make you upset I just don't know what they would say and I wanna get this chapter done lol.
So yeah, at the end they basically just push Lisa down and punch her out the window, Sabrina fixes that window as well and IBella and Pinkleaf hangout for a while longer, PINK TEAM!
Hehe, I feel evil right now >:)
Main character v i b e s

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