Ratio >:)

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I teleport username in the room and I show him the dare and he goes to the hosts room which they are just hanging out

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I teleport username in the room and I show him the dare and he goes to the hosts room which they are just hanging out.
"Ratio" Username said
Russo, Sabrina and Dj look confused and wonder why he even said that and randomly stormed into their room.
Russo gets up and hits Username randomly in the face and Dj does the same. Sabrina stands there not moving with a confused look on her face. Kreek randomly comes into the room and grabs Username and he leads him to his room to 1v1 in jailbreak again since they haven't done that for ages.
I then teleport Hyper into the room and I show him the dare, he reluctantly does it. But is tired when he climbs on the roof so he sits on it with his legs hanging out. But once he gets his strength back he straight up dabs on the roof with sunglasses on. Everyone from season 2 comes outside and is concerned, Cari climbs up to the roof and carried him down even if it was hard for her to do so. Everyone was less concerned after she carried him down the ladder/stairs. Sabrina then being the mom friend that she is takes Hyper to talk about what he has just done on the roof.
I spy on the cameras in Pgh's room and see that he is about to click on a scary website link. He screams when a jumpscare pops up and Ominous rushes into the room to comfort him, I stop watching them to give them privacy since that's the nice thing to do. Pgh gets off the website immediately though so it doesn't cause a virus to break his computer and make it not work anymore at all.
Now onto Midnight's dares~

I teleport Timmeh into the room, he looks confused but he's not scared or anything

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I teleport Timmeh into the room, he looks confused but he's not scared or anything.
"What's up pretty lady?" He asks
"I-I- uhm thank you- for calling me pretty but I- your here for a dare" I said
"A dware?" Timmeh asks
"Yeah, here it is" I said, showing him the dare
"I know the perfect way to scam him! Thanks pretty lady for showing me the dware" Timmeh said
"No- problem" I said, still shocked that he actually called me pretty lady.
Timmeh went into a room in the studio with me since of course he needed to be supervised and my persona is 28 so- not a minor supervising a minor. I watched as he planned the perfect scam. He went into Kreek's game while he was streaming and was acting like a hacker. Kreek was playing please donate for a random reason, Timmeh scammed him by lying to him about something dumb to get his robux and Kreek being the nice person that he is fell for it, Timmeh wanted to steal more but couldn't get it off of him, but hacked Kreek anyways but was caught by me since I wanted him to stop since Kreek would catch him for it if he had less then 1m in his robux account. So Timmeh reluctantly even if he didn't want to stop stopped since an adult told him to.
I then teleported Spidella in the room.
"Who's dis?" She asks
"This is Timmeh, Kreek's child, Timmeh this is Spidella, Lego's child" I said
"Alright- nice to meet you Timmeh" Spidella said, holding out her spider arm for him to shake, reluctantly he did shake it.
"Nice to meet you Spidella, wanna play with some blocks?" Timmeh asks
"Sure! Let's play together" Spidella said, then they played together for quite a while until they got tired and I put them both in bed for a nap.
Then after putting the children (excluding Gorg pag since he's with Devoun.) I knocked on Kreek's door since he was probably streaming in his room today. And he was since I heard him talking so I just barged in since he normally answers the door immediately or says what is it or something like that. But he was streaming so I just snuck a paper with the dare on it by him to remind him that he needed to do the troll by the end of his stream. And he did, at the end of his stream he did that echoey trick with his end credits and he was laughing his head off when he ended the stream, but he still had the hosts to troll so he decided to troll them in a roblox game. And that game was pet simulator x, since they normally played it together sometimes they were going to today so Kreek decided to pretend that their pets were deleted by making an alt with similar names as Sabrina, Dj and Russo's, they got tricked for sure. (Also if you get the reference wow since it's from one of Sabrina's and Dj's old videos, hint: giant choco bunny.) so yeah Kreek used that troll and they took a long time to figure it out but they figured it out and we're shocked that Kreek actually did that all on his own (maybe with a little tiny bit of my help with the idea and planning) so basically on his own he did that. But after the troll/prank was over Kreek decided to hang out in the game for a little while longer until he had to go.
I then teleported Sabrina and Dj into the room to do the next dare. They tweeted something controversial about Russo since they wanted to get him back for leaving him and making them feel alone. A couple hours later after they posted it Russo bursted into Sabrina and Dj's room in a fit of rage.
"What's wrong Russo?" Sabrina asked, oblivious to what she and Dj have just done
"You posted that about me!- I didn't leave just to fix my relationship with JP!-" Russo yelled
Russo's sword in a robotic tone: LIES
"Shut up!-" Russo yells at the sword
"You sure did and your sword even knows that it's true" Dj said
"Ughhh why do I have the sword of truth of all swords that you could get" Russo said
"Since your the one who always lies-" Sabrina said
"Yeah- Sabrina's right" Dj said
"You always agree with Sabrina" Russo said rolling his eyes, Sabrina pulls Russo aside into a gym room and Dj follows, they do some yoga together and it calms Russo down from his fit, Sabrina being a mom friend helps him with his temper tantrum that he's just had. They do this until Lunch time since after lunch Russo feels completely better and understands the tweet now. The hosts hang out for the rest of the day and are happy about it.
Now onto the questions~
I teleport Lego into the room and show him the question.
"I don't mind him hanging with Spidella as long as he doesn't become a bad influence on her since I care about that mainly" Lego said
"Alright thanks for answering you can go" I said
"Ok" Lego said and he goes out the door.
I then teleport Kreek into the room next and show him the question.
"He tricked me into donating to him and I know it- and hacked me so yes I do want revenge" Kreek said
"Alright haha" I said and Kreek then left.
I teleported Timmeh into the room and showed him the next question.
"Uhm- I wanted to steal all of it to be completely honest with you" Timmeh said
"Hey!-" Kreek said from behind the door
"But Liv caught me!" Timmeh yelled back
"Good!" Kreek yelled, I then teleported Timmeh back to Kayla and had Kreek come back into the room, I showed him the last question of this dare and question session.
"Uhm- yes I do since most of the time I don't know what to give them, unless they specifically tell me what they want but I normally get robux and that for them sometimes- but not all the time but fine I do" Kreek said
"Alright thanks for answering honestly you can go now" I said and I teleported him out of the room.

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