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I show Tanqr the dare and he begins screaming at Kreek for 20 minutes straight

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I show Tanqr the dare and he begins screaming at Kreek for 20 minutes straight.
"LA LA LA LA LA" Tanqr screams randomly
"Shut it" Kreek said, rolling his eyes
"NOPE" Tanqr screams, he screams random gibberish for the rest of the time but didn't wanna stop since he was enjoying it. But he stopped since he didn't wanna torment Kreek forever.
"Thank you for stopping Tanqr" Kreek said
"No problem- I wanted to continue but eh I decided to stop" Tanqr said
"Yeah- I would hate if you annoyed me forever" Kreek said
"I wouldn't hate it" Tanqr said
"Eh- makes sense" Kreek said and I moved onto the next dare which would take place at night. Since we were still having a sleepover at the studio Lego and Devoun could screw up everyone's sleep schedule, everyone that was here that was.
They just screamed to wake everyone up, IBella was the first to wake up and physically slapped Devoun in the face for screaming by her door.
"I need my beauty rest so let me sleep, I'm going back to bed" IBella said with a sassy hairflip
"Geez- sassy much" Devoun said under his breath, IBella left so she couldn't hear him. Sabrina was editing so she was already awake but screamed back at Devoun and Lego.
"HAHA I'm already awake and my sleep schedule is already destroyed!" Sabrina screamed, taking another sip of her brite juice, which her brite juice was a mocha today.
Sabrina accidentally woke Dj up since he was in her room. "Sorry for waking you Dj" Sabrina said
"It's ok, I wanna help you edit anyways" Dj said and they edited the video together so it would take much faster to do.
Russo woke up next "bro let me sleep, I'm already under so much stress that I need my rest" Russo said in a cranky tone.
"Fine" Lego said rolling his eyes at Russo, Russo didn't take offense to it and just went back to bed.
Tanqr had a sword and wanted to slash them both but resisted the urge to and just hit Devoun with his hand.
"Go leave me and Kreek to sleep you idiots" Tanqr said, he went back into his room holding Kreek's hand and picked Kreek up and put him back into his bed at the studio and went back to his own bed in the studio.
The girls just did what IBella did and slapped them both across the face and did a sassy hairflip and went back to bed.
The rest of the guys just either stayed sleeping or woke up to them and screamed back at them.
I just watched all of the chaos go down but after it went down I went back to sleep and Devoun lead Lego into his room so they could bunk together again for the night.
Then I set my alarm for the morning and in the morning Flamingo already had an audience and was singing- what was he singing you may ask? Making my way down town haha.
He screams the whole song and the audience is very- annoyed at that but I still laugh at it, they laugh as well, the audience is Jayingee and Denis but his other friends also join. When the song is over he just laughs and sings another song which was Greenscreen man and another which was the Earthworm sally themesong, I laughed at them all and then waited for another dare or question to pop up lol.

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