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Hehe more dares and a question :O

Sabrina and Dj were just talking in their room at the studio when I busted in the room

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Sabrina and Dj were just talking in their room at the studio when I busted in the room.
"UHM, Liv what are you doing here?" Dj exclaims
I just shove the dare in his face, "you have a dare that you and Sabrina need to do" I said.
"Oh- uhm ok" Dj said
"We wanted to adopt a cat anyways" Sabrina said with a laugh and they got up from their bed and went to the adoption center to adopt a cat.
"There are so many cute cats!" Dj said
"Yeah, it's hard to choose one!" Sabrina said

But they decide to adopt a cat that looks like this, hopefully it does get along with their dog, but they adopt it and then get the cat some food and toys and go back to the studio to show me and the others

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But they decide to adopt a cat that looks like this, hopefully it does get along with their dog, but they adopt it and then get the cat some food and toys and go back to the studio to show me and the others.
"We're back! But we need name suggestions" Sabrina said
"Uhm- how about Lucia?" I suggested
"Ooh!" Sabrina said
"Yeah- that's a pretty nice name" Dj said
"Then let's go with it" Sabrina said
"Yeah, Lucia it is!" Dj said and they began training the cat with the name Lucia and I move onto a question this time, Midnight, yes you can slap Albert >:)
I teleport Albert and Midnight in a room together and Midnight slaps Albert across the face. He's very confused as to why she just did that but he just screams.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Albert screams
"Hehe" Midnight said with an evil smile.
Kreek then comes into the room randomly with bread in his mouth and looks confused but is laughing internally.

Albert is literally flinging a pillow at Midnight, I just casually put some music on while they do a pillow fight

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Albert is literally flinging a pillow at Midnight, I just casually put some music on while they do a pillow fight. Also the birthday stuff is up because I'm posting this on Kreek's actual birthday so yeah, happy birthday to him!
After they are done with their little fight- with pillows I go back into the main area of the studio and it turns out that Sabrina and Dj are done with the cat and have just let her roam around the studio, she was mainly on her cat bed though with getting attention from the other people in the room- like Kreek and Keisyo.
I dragged Sabrina out of the room for a couple of minutes to show her the dare and to show her that I have the maid dresses all ready for Russo and Dj.
Sabrina then went back into the main room and grabbed Russo and Dj with her forceful hand.
"Ouch, Sabrina!" Russo said, wanting to scream louder
"Yeah- Sabrina why are you being forceful?" Dj questions
"You'll see" Sabrina said with an evil grin on her face
She leads them into a room where there is a closet, the same room that I lead Sabrina in before. She then makes them change into the maid dresses and they hate her for this but do it anyways.
"Why- us-" Dj said
"I don't know-" Russo said
"HAHA" Sabrina said, laughing a lot at them
"Sabrina- if I'm wearing one you gotta wear one as well" Dj said and he forces her to wear one as well.
"Uh- this is weird, we are all matching" Sabrina said, they all went to the main room and everyone was laughing- Sabrina was the only one who looked remotely normal in the dress since she was a girl. But they decided to wear them for the rest of the day. I then pulled Russo aside and showed him some theories in the reaction room.
"Uhm- I think these theories are pretty good, I can't say if they are accurate though" Russo said
"Makes sense, you don't wanna spoil the whole show" I said
"Yeah, can I go now?" Russo asks
"Yes- you can" I said and he went back with the others.
"One day later"
I took away the hosts swords and hid them from the hosts- somewhere where no one would find them.
They then woke up and wondered where their swords were, they checked the charger where they normally put them but nope not there, so they just assumed that they lost their swords again.
"What the heck happened to our swords?" Russo asks
"Probably someone hid them or took them" Sabrina said
"Yeah- I agree" Dj said
"I took them away- you guys need to spend some quality time together without thinking about training" I said.
"True- we haven't done that in a while" Sabrina said
"Yeah, but we have been relaxing lately so we couldn't train so I guess this is another one of those days" Russo said
"Yeah- so let's just chill with everyone today" Dj said
"Yeah- first let's play Bedwars with Tanqr and Kreek" Russo suggested. And that's what they did, Tanqr and Kreek were on the same team multiple times which to be honest they worked good together, the hosts also worked good together at it as well. Then they had a lunch date together at lunch time with Tanqr and Kreek also joining, they did the same thing for dinner and did some fill in activities like reading, Dj was having the hardest time with this since he couldn't cook breakfast fast anymore but he was fine with that. But once the day was over I reluctantly gave them their swords back, Dj and Russo were the most happy about it since now Russo could tell who was lying and who was telling the truth again and Dj could cook food and do stuff fast again. And Sabrina could finally go back to healing people so she was glad as well.
Also I really want more Koneko dares or questions for an odd reason, so maybe use the unused characters but you can still suggest more of the used characters since I don't mind doing those and also I like doing multiple dares in each chapter and ima say that your also allowed to use the piggy characters like for example Minitoon since I can add him in as well! :)

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