I still love this

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Had to catch up on your murder story it's so good! It needs more attention but! Onto the dares! I teleport Lego into a loft area and I make him take out his phone to read the whole story and when he gets to the last chapter the reaction truly starts

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Had to catch up on your murder story it's so good! It needs more attention but! Onto the dares!
I teleport Lego into a loft area and I make him take out his phone to read the whole story and when he gets to the last chapter the reaction truly starts.

Tears start falling down his cheeks and I'm just smiling my denial smile since I can't believe that Lego just- did that

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Tears start falling down his cheeks and I'm just smiling my denial smile since I can't believe that Lego just- did that. So uh- yeah he's now in emotional damage because of a story, but I teleport Ominous in the room and he comforts Lego even though Ominous didn't read the story he knows it's a sad story. I then teleport Ominous away since Lego is now calmed down now and ready for the next dare.
I teleport Lego into his house and there's someone at his doorstep- it's a spider but he knows exactly who this spider is. It's his daughter Spidella, he picks her up from the door and brings her into his house for a day.
"Hi dad!" Spidella said
"Hi Spidella, I'm so happy that your here!" Lego said
"I'm happy that I came here to see my wonderful dad" Spidella said beginning to climb up Lego, she climbs on his shoulder and they watch TV together for a little while. Spidella stays on Lego's shoulder for a while while they watch TV. Then they have lunch and then do something else. They just did father daughter activities like cuddled for a while and stuff like that, then the day was over and Spidella didn't wanna leave but she had to leave to go back to exploring the world.
"Sowy that I have to leave so early but I have to keep exploring- I'll visit again another time" Spidella said
"It's ok, thanks for coming now at least" Lego said and he goes back to his normal routines that he normally does while Spidella left.
I then after the day was over teleported Spidella to the studio and showed her the question.
"I enjoyed it, Lego is a cool dad to have" Spidella said with a smile.
"Thanks for answering! I love your relationship as well" I said
"No problem, and I love our relationship as well, me and Lego's is the relationship I'm talking about" Spidella said and she goes back to exploring random areas around here and around wherever she wanted to explore. I waited for the next questions and dates in the studio.

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