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I made Kreek play arsenal and he rage quit almost immediately! "Hah, rage quitter!" Tanqr teases "Try mine now! See how it feels!" Kreek taunted back "Fine let's see how GOOD I do at Piggy!" Tanqr taunts, joining Piggy, Kreek refused to help him a...

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I made Kreek play arsenal and he rage quit almost immediately!
"Hah, rage quitter!" Tanqr teases
"Try mine now! See how it feels!" Kreek taunted back
"Fine let's see how GOOD I do at Piggy!" Tanqr taunts, joining Piggy, Kreek refused to help him at all! Since Tanqr didn't help him with Arsenal he didn't help him with Piggy.
"Ima rage quit! Sorry winning streak" Tanqr sadly said, groaning because he lost and was annoyed.
"Well I guess we are even now with our streaks of playing each others favorite games!" Kreek replied, Tanqr crossed his arms and they went back to editing together.
Flamingo listens to superstar and never be alone! "Ima just blast never be alone at night to freak everyone out EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! It's a perfect idea! I'm the ultimate troller! Heyyyy Jake you wanna join me?" Albert asks
"One hundred times yes! Hahaha! We make a great team!" Jake replied with a smirk on his face, they then at night blasted it on Jake's speakers, never be alone played first and then superstar played. Everyone woke with a start and I (Liv) literally slapped Albert in the face and then Jake, but I didn't push him down because- Jake had abs and was stronger then me- haha.
"The song is good but YALL RUINED MY PERFECT SLEEP SCHEDULE!" I yelled
"Don't you have a destroyed sleep schedule?" Evil Liv replied
"SHUT IT!- well yes I guess your right! But still- and wait what are you doing here?" I asked but before she could answer she disappeared with JP's ghost.
Everyone else was annoyed and they were screaming at Albert and Jake which were just laughing their butts off ignoring the rampaged screaming.
"Bye I'm leaving with Jake~" Albert suddenly says, taking Jake by the hand and shutting off the music that was randomly playing.
"Don't leave us!" Pinkleaf begged, I knew his sleep schedule was already destroyed as well- but he still cared about his sleep.
"Just go back to bed everyone" Sabrina said in a mature motherly voice
"...fine" I admit as everyone went back to sleep...
(With Albert and Jake)
"Like the songs?" Albert asked
"Yeah, you?" Jake asked back
"I feel the same, now let's go get coffee to be more hyper!" Albert said enthusiastically, going to a cafe at fricking 3 am with Jake and yes that cafe was open for the morning shift.
(Back at the studio)
Kreek and Tanqr were still awake, continuing to play Arsenal and Piggy together since I guess the both enjoyed it now! For some odd reason... probably because they were together >:D

(Anyways~ this book is kinda back since I wanted to finish this part- sorry I missed your dares midnight I might do might not but I like doing them, mainly the funny ones lol)

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