Author's Note

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Hey everyone!

So yes, I am back to the world of Supernatural. Even though, I said I was only gonna do the first five season as I feel that's when the show was at its best, there were some storylines from the later season that I really liked and would like to adapt into my fic.

Recently, I decided to watch the last four seasons of the show, Season 12-15, basically to say I did watch the whole show even though I know what happens in the end. And like I said, there are some episodes/storylines I really like so in this story I'll be adapting the later seasons.

But here is what I'm doing. I'm not gonna do all of the later season, which are 6-15. Mainly I'm gonna do the episodes that deal with the main story of the seasons overall, with maybe a few of the filler episodes. I'm skipping season 7 as I just felt that was the worst season of the show but there might be a couple of episodes from that season I'll end up doing, we will see. Season 15 will also be ignored.

Chuck/God will NOT be brought into my story as I have said, bringing God into the show and then making him an out of nowhere villian is stupid.

Also unlike the show, character deaths will be permit! So if there is any character that dies in my story, that's it! They are gone! Done! I mean, you have to have consequences, right? You have to raise the stakes.

Lucifer will also not be brought back. I thought it was dumb bringing him back and when they made it to where he makes up with God at the end of season 11, only to retcon it in season 12 to make him evil again was just pointless and stupid. I also felt that the show kept bringing him back as he is one of the fan favorites.

Same goes for Gabriel, he is not gonna be brought back.

But anyway, that is my biggest points I wanted to make for this book. And maybe this will answer some of ya'll's questions of what in going to do. I do hope you guys enjoy!

And if anyone has come across this book for the first time, please read my previous Supernatural book as this is a continuation of that book and it's better to get an understanding of how the story and characters go.

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