Hunteri Heroici

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Bobby pulls up towards the motel and we follow close behind. We park in a couple of parking spots when the door to one of the rooms opens, Castiel walks out to lookout at us. We get out of the car as Mrs Tran peaks out of the room.

"Mom!" Kevin exclaimed as he gets out of Bobby's truck. "Oh! Kev– Kevin!" She cries and the two embrace. She begins crying of happiness and I smiled at this. "My son, my baby! You're okay!" Mrs Tran said as she looks at Kevin and kisses his cheek. "Mom..." Kevin said, exasperated.

"So, the gentleman that kidnapped us is an angel?" Mrs Tran asked us after we all get into her room and explain to her what was happening. She and Kevin were sitting on one of the beds whole Dean and I sit across from them in the second bed. Ben and Peyton were sitting in a couple of chairs by a small table and Claire and Ryder were on the floor. Bobby and Cas were standing by the door and window, keeping an eye out just in case something was coming.

"Was an Archangel actually." I said. "Was?" Mrs Tran asked. "He's dead now." I added and she nods, understanding. "But...they're supposed to be the good guys, aren't they?" Mrs Tran asked. "Most of them are dicks. But there are a few that are good. Like our friend over there." Dean said as he gestures to Castiel. "And the Archangel that saved your son, she's one of the good ones as well." I said.

"But why do they need Kevin?" Mrs Tran asked us. "He wanted me to translate his stupid tablet so he can take over the universe or something." Kevin replied. "Or we think, in some way, to restart the apocalypse." Dean said and Mrs Tran looks at us, confused. "Restart? But...that never happened." She said. "It almost did but we stopped it." I tell her gesturing to me, Dean, Bobby and Cas.

"Well, mainly, my brother was able to put a stop to it. We just helped." Dean said and I give a small nod. "And where is he?" Mrs Tran asked and we don't say anything. Dean looks down at the ground and I frown at him and place a comforting hand on his arm. "Oh." Mrs Tran mutters.

"Look, we need that tablet, if it really has a way to shut the gates of Hell forever then we can stop all of this." Dean said after a moment of silence. Mrs Tran stares at us then she turns to Kevin. "Prophet of the Lord, huh? It does have a nice ring to it." she said then she gets up. "I'll get packed." she said.

"We're gonna need to find a way to get you two out of here, with Crowley now coming after Kevin." I said. "And risk letting Kevin fall into the hands of this Crowley? I don't think so." Mrs Tran said. "Ms. Tran, all due respect, (y/n)'s right. Crowley – he's not just a killer. He trades in torment. And if he can find a way to separate your soul from you, he'll take that soul to Hell and – and roast it till there's nothing left but black smoke. Look, it's best if you let us handle this." Dean tells her. "I understand. But it's not my soul I'm worried about. It's my son's." Mrs Tran said as she stands with her arms folded.

"Kevin, you want to back us up here? Came all the way down here to pull her out of the fire, and now she wants to jump right back in." Dean said to Kevin. "Like I can tell her what to do?" Kevin scoffs and Bobby sighs. "I can make some calls and find a safe place that could at least out of Crowley's reach." He said and Mrs Tran turns her head to him.

"I can talk to Ariel, we could get some of our followers to watch over you two." Castiel said and Mrs Tran looks between us all then at Kevin before she nods. "Okay..." she said and Bobby and Castiel nod and I look over at Dean, who then claps his hands one. "Oh, you two are gonna have to get inked up." Dean tells them and Kevin looks up at us. "Do what, now?" Kevin asked, surprised. "Yeah, uh..." I said as I pull my shirt open to reveal my tattoo. "Keeps the demons out." I tell them. "Fine." Mrs Tran said.

"Really?" Dean, Ben and Peyton said, surprised. "What, like it's my first tattoo?" Mrs Tran admitted and she walks out of the room while Kevin stares after her. Dean smiles, somewhat admiringly, then he turns to me. "I like her." He chuckles and I shake my head at this with a smirk.

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