Two And A Half Men

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*3rd Person POV*

One Week Later

There is a HOME FOR RENT sign in the yard, mostly obscured by a RENTED sticker, the familiar Impala and a minivan parked by the house. Dean opens the trunk of the Impala and looks inside before he takes out his sawed-off shotgun, checks the rounds, and then puts it away. He closes the trunk, locks it, puts the keys in his pocket and grabs a box labeled KITCHEN.

He heads inside to see Lisa, Elijah and (y/n) unpacking boxes while Ben sat at the table, his leg bouncing up and down with nerves. Peyton was sitting with Ryder and Claire at the other end of the table, watching them as Claire draws and Ryder plays with his toy soldiers.

"Ben, what's up?" Dean asked him as he sets the box down. "Nothing." Ben grumbles. "At least wait until you've checked the place out before you hate it. Open mind, that's all I ask." Lisa said. "It's not that, it's just..." Ben starts to say but then he stops and sighs.

"Nothing." He grumbles then he stands up. "I'll be back." Ben said. "Oh, hey. Where's the fire?" Elijah asked him. "Just going to check out the block." Ben said. "How about you help us unpack first?" Elijah asked and Ben gives him an exasperated look.

"Listen, we'll go for lunch later. Scope out the neighborhood. Right?" Lisa said as she looks around at everyone as if to back her up. "Yeah, sounds like a plan." (Y/n) said and Dean nods then goes over to Ben. "Come on, why don't you give me a hand?" He asked and they leave the room together.

Meanwhile, a few towns away, cop cars were on the street and policemen walk in and out of the front door of a house surround by crime scene tape, indistinct radio chatter sound out. A young woman with long dark hair, an older man with thinning hair and a young blonde haired man were all wearing suits and standing with the Detective. The blonde haired man, Mark, holds a flyer for a missing child in his hand.

"Where'd you find them?" Mark asked the Detective. "We found the parents upstairs. Pretty brutal." The Detective replied. "Break in?" The woman, Gwen, asked, curiously. "No, alarm never went off." The Detective said, shaking his head.

"Any leads on the baby?" The older man, Christian, asked him. "None yet." said the Detective. "So what do you think? Think it's okay? Alive?" Gwen asked him. "I did yesterday." The Detective said, darkly, and the trio share a look. "Thank you." Christian said and he gestures for Gwen and Mark to head to the house.

They walk up the path towards the house, ducking under the crime scene tape that blocks it off.

*(y/n)'s POV*

The doorbell rings and Dean opens the front door and I see a pizza delivery man at the door. "Hi." The pizza man said. "Hey." Dean said. "One cheese, one pepperoni, one everything?" The delivery man asked. "Yeah. Thank you." Dean said and he the takes the pizzas and pays the man.

"There you go. Keep the change." Dean said. "Thanks." The man said. "Thanks." Dean said and he shuts the door and walks into the kitchen, holding the pizza boxes. "Lunch is here!" Dean calls out and all the kids run to the kitchen. "Oh, I thought we were going out?" Lisa asked. "Mom, there's monsters out there trying to kill us." Ben said, worried.

"But wasn't that the reason we moved? I mean...." Lisa said as she looks over at me and Dean. "That's why you two and Bobby found this place for us, right?" She asked. "Yeah, yeah, know...just take it slow for now." Dean said and Lisa gives a look that says she doesn't really buy it.

"What? Are we on lockdown or something?" She asked, sounding a bit annoyed. "It's just a precaution, Lisa. We just want you guys to be safe. Especially after that Djinn attack." I said and Lisa looks between me and Dean again. "I appreciate what you two are doing for us but you can't keep us locked up forever." Lisa said and I frown the sigh.

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