First Born

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A white bus drives in the distance of a foggy day in Caribou, Wyoming. The bus has multiple Christian logos and writings on it: MELODY MINISTRY GLEE CLUB, Let us sing to the Lord!, Honk if you (heart) Jesus, Jesus saves!

A women's chorus is singing a popular Protestant hymn.

This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
this little light of mine

I'm gonna let it shine
this little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

The bus pulls up to a roadhouse with a lot of motorcycles parked in front. The door opens, and a bunch of tough-looking male bikers, leather, chains, tattoos, piercings, shaved heads, look in disbelief at what walks in. The bikers line up against one wall, and about a dozen women in matching white dresses and orange cardigans line up along the other wall.

"You shouldn't be here." One biker said to the women. "We have just as much right to be here as you do, brother." One of the women said and Angel-blades appear into hands. From outside the bar, brilliant white light flashing, while screams and yells are heard and the window glass is shattered. The door is opened and the sisters walk out of the roadhouse, back to their bus; their outfits are spattered with blood. Inside the roadhouse, bikers' bodies are everywhere.

"All right, girls, everybody." The main woman said and they all sing as the bus drives off, leaving the massacre behind.

It was daylight when the cops had the Roadhouse all taped up and were in the middle of investigating. Castiel walks up to the bar and shows the officers his FBI badge that Dean had given him. The officers let him in and Cas enters to see the many dead bodies of the bikers. To Cas, it looked like a war zone; bodies strewn about and blood was splattered everywhere, on the floor and the walls.

"You realize these were Angels, right, Castiel?" A voice said to Cas and he turns to see a tall, muscular man with short dark brown hair and blueish-green eyes, wearing a suit. "I'm sorry?" Castiel asked him, confused. "Oh, don't play dumb, Castiel. I know what you are." The man said. "Then would you mind telling me who are you?" Castiel asked him as he walks up to the man.

"Ezekiel, remember?" Ezekiel said and Cas stares at him, flabbergasted. "Ezekiel? I heard you were dead." Castiel said but Ezekiel shrugs. "Over exaggeration." He replied and Cas stares at him then looks around the room. "Is there anything you can tell me about what is going on? I've been trying to reach out to everyone's like everyone is ignoring me." Castiel said. "I mean...These angels, they were butchered. Much more violence than was required. It definitely took more than one or two killers to pull this off."

"Because it did. Listen, Castiel, Bartholomew and Malachi have their own factions, and from what I can tell...these boys were Bartholomew's men. So I'm gonna guess some, if not all, of Malachi's people did this." Ezekiel said. "What?" Castiel said, confused. "The angels are divided and killing each other, I've seen it with my own eyes. I've been trying to stop our brothers and sisters but they won't listen." Ezekiel said.

"Why are they doing this?" Castiel asked. "They're desperate. They don't have a leader. You know better than anyone that our brothers and sisters are like sheep, they'll follow anyone." Ezekiel said and Cas looks down and nods a little. "Do you know of the whereabouts of Ariel?" Ezekiel asked.

Cas looks back at him but something told him not to tell Ezekiel everything. Sure he is an angel but he doesn't want everyone to know where she is as she is still vulnerable. "She's safe. But I can't tell you where she is." Castiel said. "Why? I mean, she should be out there leading us, like she's supposed to do!" Ezekiel exclaims. "It's complicated." Castiel said and Ezekiel eyes him for a moment then hums and nods.

Supernatural II: Resurgence (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now