Trial And Error

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An alarm clock starts blaring and Kevin rolls over in bed, sees that it shows 5:00 and shuts off the alarm clock. He gets up, crosses date off the calendar, 11 January 2019. He moves down the stairs into the main compartment on the boat. Pours a cup of coffee, sits at the table, puts on head phones, picks up the ancient tablet and it shakes in his hands.

Later he stands at the stove frying a hotdog, it sizzles. After eating, he sits at the table, holding the tablet and rubs his head. He opens a large container of aspirin, shakes out some pills, drinks coffee, then makes a notation from the tablet. Hours later, he gets up from the chair, places a note on a wall that is covered with notes and falls into bed at 2:45.

The alarm blares for five o'clock in the morning and he turns off the alarm and frowns at the clock. He wears the same clothing, looking a bit grungy and he crosses 12 January 2019 off the calendar. He pours coffee into a cup.

At the stove, he fries a hotdog while eating another hotdog. Later, he's holding the tablet in both hands, the tablet shakes. He rubs his temples, takes more aspirin. Makes more notes, sticks another note on the wall, face plants on the bed at 2:45.

Day in and day out Kevin did this routine over and over, same morning alarm, the same coffee, frying a hotdog, reading the tablet, headaches, aspirin, sticky notes to wall, and then pass out at two forty-five. It wasn't til the 7th of February when something a bit different happened.

After he got up and made him a cup of coffee a sound of wings was heard and he felt a small breeze come in. "Kevin..." a familiar voice said and he turns to see Ariel standing there with a concerned look on her face. "My goodness, look at you!" She said, worried.

"It's fine. Got a job to do." Kevin said as he goes back to the tablet. "Yes but you shouldn't be working yourself to death." Ariel said as she walks up to him but stops when she smelt the really bad body order.

"Oh, for Father's sake, when was the last time you've cleaned yourself?" She asked and Kevin looks over at the calendar. "Uh...what day is it again?" He asked as he looks at the calendar. "February seventh." Ariel said, with a concerned eyebrow raised. "Probably weeks." Kevin replied, nonchalantly.

"Oh, Kevin..." she said again but Kevin shakes his head. "Look, it doesn't matter. I need to get this tablet figured out so we can shut the gates of Hell for good!" Kevin exclaimed and Ariel keeps giving him a worried look.

"The world had demons after Father casted my brother out from Heaven. It can wait a little longer. I mean, you won't be able to decrypt the tablet any faster if you're exhausted or you get sick because you haven't bathed in weeks." Ariel tells him. "But I'm close! I can feel it. I won't be able to think of anything else until I crack it." Kevin said then he groans, closes his eyes in pain and places his hands on his head.

"Ugh, my head." He groans and Ariel comes up to him and places her pointer and middle finger onto his temple. Suddenly, the pain went away and Kevin's eyes slowly widen and he raises his head to her as she pulls her hand back. "I hope that helped." She said.

"Yeah, it did." Kevin said, surprised, as he stares at her in awe. The two share a look and Ariel takes in a deep breath then let's it out slowly as she turns her head away.

"What's it like?" Kevin asked and she raises her head to give him a confused look. "Healing someone, I mean." Kevin said and Ariel was a bit surprised by this. No one has ever asked her such a question before and she didn't know how to really answer.

But after thinking it over she comes up with an answer. "For a brief moment, I can feel whatever that person is feeling, what they're going through. It gives me the ability to see what is wrong and how to make any pain disappear." she explains and Kevin nods. "Wow..." Kevin mutters and he turns and walks away towards his wall of notes and places the new note he just did before Ariel came and sticks the note on the wall.

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