Torn And Frayed

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"You got any three's?" Ben asked Claire as he, Claire, Ryder and Peyton sit around the table, playing Go Fish. Well, at least, he and the two kids were playing the card game, Peyton seemed preoccupied with her phone every few seconds. Bobby was out in town getting some food and Dean and (y/n) were out doing a job.

"Go fish." Claire said and Ben takes a card from the pile then looks over at Peyton, who wasn't paying attention at all as she stares and types on her phone. "Peyton..." Claire said but Peyton doesn't reply. "Peyton!" Ben said, a bit louder, and Peyton looks up. "What?" She asked. "It's your turn." Ben said and Peyton looks down at the cards.

"Oh, sorry." She said as she sets her phone down then picks up her cards. "Uh...Ryder, got any uh...six?" She asked and Ryder pulls out a couple of cards out of his pile and hands it to her. At that moment, Peyton's text alarm goes off and she pulls out her phone again, smiles and types again.

Ben found this really annoying as it seemed almost every five seconds she got a text from this guy, Eric, from this party she went to weeks ago. Ever since she started to talk to this guy, Ben has felt angry and annoyed everything he hears her phone go off.

He thought maybe it was he was very protective of Peyton after everything that's happened to them. But then he started to think maybe he is jealous as he knew he had a huge crush on Peyton. He just hadn't acted upon them since he was still dealing with his mother's death and with the hunting jobs with Dean and (y/n).

Peyton puts away her phone as Ryder asks Claire is she has a certain card and Ben decided that he'd have a talk with her later.

Later, Ben and Peyton were the only ones in the living room, as Claire and Ryder were upstairs playing with Ace, when Peyton's phone goes off again. "Seriously?!" Ben asked as Peyton starts texting again. "What?" Peyton asked as she looks over at him.

"You are always texting that idiot." Ben said and Peyton furrows her brow. "He's not an idiot!" Peyton exclaims and Ben scoffs. "You know he hangs around you just for sex, right?" Ben said and Peyton's jaw drops. "How dare you say that!!" Peyton shouts as she stands up. "Eric has been nothing but a gentleman to me! You don't know crap about him!!" Peyton shouts as Ben glares at her.

"It's all just an act to get in your pants. Guys do it all the time." Ben argued and Peyton glares at him. "If that's so then you must be speaking from experience!" Peyton shouts and Ben is taken aback by this.

At this moment, Bobby comes in and he stops when he sees that Peyton and Ben were about a few inches away from each other but the atmosphere was very full of tension, and not the good kind. "Kids? Everything okay?" Bobby asked them and Peyton scoffs then starts to walk away.

"Everything's fine, Bobby." She grumbles and she heads upstairs. Bobby looks over at Ben, who sighs then walks away.

Children play on the playground equipment and a woman sits on a bench, holding a crying baby. "Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh." the woman said and Castiel appears. "She's been crying for two days." Cas said and the woman nods. "The doctors missed something. It's called an inguinal hernia – very hard to detect." Castiel said then he touches the baby on the forehead and the crying stops. There is the sound of wings and Castiel disappears as the woman is leaning over the baby.

"Castiel, we have a situation. Samandiriel has been captured." Naomi told Cas once he returns to her office. "I thought Samandiriel was dead." Castiel said, confused. "He's been missing, and now we know – Crowley has him." Naomi said and Cas gets a glare on his face.

"Where?" Castiel asked. "His distress call cut out before I could pinpoint his exact location, but you will find him and you will bring him home." Naomi said. "Crowley will have warded against angels this time. I'll need help getting in." Castiel said. "Take whatever you need. But you will be certain, Castiel, it was your idea to rescue Samandiriel, not mine, not Heaven's. Do you understand?" Naomi tells him and Cas nods.

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