Let It Bleed

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​​​​​Glass breaking 

Ace barking

Sounds of kids screaming 

The flames rising higher and higher

I jolt awake with a gasp and raise up the upper half of my body to look around the room. It took me moment to remember that I was in a hotel room. In the bed next to me was Claire and Ryder and I could see just next to them, through the moonlight from the window, Ben and Peyton on the pullout bed of the couch. Ace was with Bobby.

I place my left hand over my chest then start to sit up, calming down the adrenaline I got from this terrible nightmare. It had been a few days since our home was burned down and we basically became homeless. Luckily, Bobby and Jody have been helping us out with food and clothes and the house was insured for a pretty good amount of money, so we received that.

Ben and Peyton told us that what caused it was a few molotovs that was thrown in through the window, which they also told the police after they came in with the firefighters. The cops asked us if we knew anybody that would do such a thing and we told them no but we got word that a neighbor of ours did see a few hooded figures had ran away from our place and into the nearby woods.

After all that happened, we stayed at Bobby's for a couple of days and we figured that whoever did this, did it in retaliation of us killing Eve. I guess she still had supporters out there. Bobby put out any hunters nearby, including Christian, Gwen and Rufus, to look out for any monsters nearby the area.

I run my hands over my face and look over next me to see that it was empty. I look at the spot with confusion but I figured that Dean must've went out for a drive. I sigh then stand up and head to the bathroom, turned on the light, turned the sink on and splash some water in my face.

I even rubbed some water to the back of my neck when I heard the familiar sounds the engine of the Impala. Dean was back from wherever he ran off to. I braced my hands on the sink counter and take in a deep breath, calming myself down from the nightmare.

Then I hear the door to the room open and footsteps. I raise my head to look myself in the mirror to see Dean appearing behind me. "Hey, you okay?" Dean asked me, keeping his voice down to not disturb the kids. "Yeah...just bad dream." I said, in the same volume of tone, as I turn to him. "You?" I asked. "Couldn't sleep. Needed to go for a drive." He said and I nod.

We stare at each other for a few moments before Dean gesture for me to follow him. We walk out of the hotel room and then go to sit in the Impala, both of us let out a heavy sigh.

"Dean...what the hell are we gonna do?" I asked him. "I don't know, sweetheart." Dean mutters. "Are we just gonna jump from one hotel to the next?" I asked, getting a bit upset. "We could always stay at Bobby's." Dean said. "He already has less room as it is!" I said. "Well, then the kids can stay with him til we find us a permanent home. That way they can stay at their school and not move around like we did." Dean said and I sighed in exasperation.

"I don't know. I hate leaving them behind." I said and Dean shakes his head. "I know, I don't like doing it either, honey, but...unfortunately, we don't have much of a choice. Those assholes made sure of that." He said and I sit there and look out the window. "I also think we should tell the kids what we really do." Dean said and I turn to face him.

"What?" I said, shocked. "Like you said, we can't keep hiding this from them. And especially after what happened, they're gonna have more questions. Plus if these monsters can burn down our house, who's to say they won't come after the kids. We need to tell them so they can be prepared." Dean said and I nod at this.

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