Reading Is Fundamental

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A young man, Kevin Tran, was sitting in his dorm room, playing Bach on a cello, before his cell phone rings. He ignores it and continues to play until an alert on his computer pops up with the message Cello Practice Complete. He then puts the cello aside and answers the phone.

"Hey, Kevin." A female voice greeted. "Channing, hey! Uh, sorry, for not answering quicker..." Kevin said and Channing smiles. "Hey, I get it, college is very busy. How is it, anyway?" Channing asked him. "Well, it is my last year, so exciting but also nervous. I mean, I know I've got months but...the final exams are just...daunting!" Kevin said.

"Are you studying?" Channing asked. "I'm talking to you." Kevin replied and she giggles. An alert on Kevin's computer screen reads: Elective Period 14:55. "I'm just taking a break. Gonna get back to it in 14 minutes." Kevin said.

"You wanna hold off a bit longer? We haven't done anything together for weeks now." Channing said. "I know." Kevin muttered, sadly. "Why don't we go get some food? Or I can swing by and keep you company." Channing said and Kevin gives a nervous look at her second suggestion.

"I uh...I don't know. Food might be good but after that I really need to get back to studying." He said. "What's the matter? Worried I'll be too distracting." Channing asked and Kevin fidgets in place a little. "No." He mumbled.

"I can help release some tension. Help relax you." Channing said, suggestively. "Channing..." Kevin muttered. "It's cute you're a little nervous about it. But don't worry, I know what to do." Channing said. "I'm not...nervous. It just...I got a lot of studying to do. And I told you, my mom is kinda strict on that sort of thing. Not until marriage." Kevin said.

"You're such a mama's boy." Channing teased. "She just thinks it's more proper to wait." Kevin said. "But isn't that for you to decide?" Channing asked. "Yes...and I'm deciding to wait." Kevin said. "Mama's boy." Channing teased and Kevin frowns, shooting his phone a dirty look.

After hanging up on his girlfriend, Kevin stares at the blank screen on his laptop for his essay as the storm rages on outside. He opens an energy drink and takes a sip as the lightning flashes and thunder claps.

White light radiates from above the clouds and seems to erupt as the thunder roars. Kevin continues to stare at the laptop then types a few words but then erases it as he hated how it started.

Outside, bolts of lightning shoot down from the clouds then reaches into his room and strikes him. Kevin yells as he is lifted off the ground and pieces of the roof swirl and fall around him. He drops to the floor, which is covered in broken glass, and white light flashes behind his closed eyes.

He lies on the floor as white light shines behind his closed eyelids and hieroglyphics. Seconds later, his body jerks on the floor and then goes still.

The next morning, his phone rings and he begins to stir just as the call goes to voice mail. "This is Kevin Tran's voicemail. Please leave a message." his recorded message said. "Kevin, it's Mom. I know you're at school already, about to take the test." Kevin's mother said as he opens his eyes and sits upright. "And I know all your hard work will net the results..."

Then he looks over at his clock and see that it reads 10:22. "22!" He exclaims as he gets to his feet. "...we've discussed, but like Dr. Ender said..." his mother kept going as Kevin begins to panic. "Wait!" he shouts. "...don't obsess on the quote unquote perfect."

"No. No. No!" he said as he scrambles around and grabs a shirt and looks at his calendar on his computer. "That's just a nice feather in our cap, if we get it. Now, Kevin, we're about to finish up our last seminar. My flight's confirmed for 7:00, so I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow. Love you, honey." his mother said as he puts a shirt in the bag and begins to finish getting ready for the dead.

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