The Purge

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In the kitchen, I was sitting at the table with my laptop, my head in my right hand staring at the screen when Dean enters. "Hey, there you are." Dean said, concerned. "Hey." I replied back in a tired, raspy voice. "I woke up and saw you weren't in bed. How long have you been awake?" Dean asked me. "A few hours. Couldn't sleep, so I decided to do some research." I replied.

"Oh, on what?" Dean asked me as he goes to the fridge. "Well, at first, I was trying to find Ariel, Kevin and Castiel. But nothing. So then I went to research on Metatron and the Mark of Cain and...Crickets." I sighed. "I did find us a case, though."

"Oh, yeah?" said Dean as he turns to me. "Yeah, was a strange death in Stillwater, Minnesota. A competitive eater died after a hot dog-eating contest." I said. "So, what? Death by tube steak?" He asked. "If only. He got attacked in his car, but, uh, get this -- he shrunk from 300 pounds to 90 pounds." I said and Dean furrows his brow in confusion.

"Witchcraft?" He suggests, questioningly. "Or a heavy-duty laxative. You game?" I asked him and Dean nods with a smirk. "Hell, yeah." He said and I smiled. "Good. Now how about I make us some breakfast and then we can head out." I said and Dean nods. "Sounds good. I'll help you." He said as I get up from my chair and head to the fridge.

Minutes later, Ben and Peyton come into the kitchen both of them wearing pajamas pants and t-shirts, although Peyton was wearing a familiar shirt that was a bit big on her. And I realized that the reason the shirt looked familiar is because I remember Ben wearing that shirt. "Morning." Ben said as he stretches his arms as Dean and I gathered the food for breakfast. "Hey..." I said, with a knowing tone, as I look between them and Dean turns and sees what I'm seeing.

The two look between us, as if they were confused. "What?" They asked us, in unison. "Oh, nothing. time you come to breakfast, maybe wear your own clothes." Dean said as he and I chuckled while Ben and Peyton's face turns red.

"Is there something you guys want to tell us?" I asked them and they share a look to each other before looking back at us. Peyton gives a shy smile and looks away while Ben shrugs. "Isn't it obvious?" He asked us and Dean and I share a smile.

"We just want to know if this like a friends with benefits kind of thing or..." Dean said and Peyton quickly turns to us and speaks up. "It's not. I'm not interested in that." She said. "So, you guys already had the talk then?" I asked them. "Yeah, we did. We decided to start going out." Ben said and Dean and I smiled at them.

"Well, we're happy for you two." I said to them. "Just...keep the noise down." Dean said and Ben scoffs. "As long as you two keep it down." Ben said and I bite the inside of my cheek as Dean turns to me. "Told you, you get loud." He teased me and I slap his shoulder as Claire and Ryder come in.

"Hey, kids." Dean and I said. "Morning." Claire said while Ryder yawns. "You two hungry?" I asked them. "Yeah, can we have pancakes?" Ryder asked and Dean smiles. "One order of pancakes coming right up!" Dean said and I chuckled then turn to Claire. "What about you, sweetie?" I asked her. "Eggs and bacon, lots of bacon!" Claire said and I laugh.

"You definitely are your father's daughter." I said. "And she should be proud of it!" Dean said as he starts to mix up the pancake mix. "What about you two lovebirds?" I asked Ben and Peyton. "Eggs sound good." Ben said and Peyton nods in agreement.

As Dean and I start on cooking breakfast, I look over at Ben and Peyton. "Hey, Dean and I found a job, so we're gonna go investigate. We need you two to stay here and watch Claire and Ryder." I said to them and they nod. "Sure!" Ben said. "No problem." Peyton said and we continued to cook breakfast.

After breakfast and gathering clothes, Dean and I arrive at the police station, in our FBI outfits. The sheriff, Donna Hanscum, comes over with two reports and hands one to me. "Thanks for your patience, agents. Coroner's report finally came in." She tells me. "All right, thank you. All right, let's see. Did Wayne McNut really weigh 300 pounds just moments before time of death?" I asked her. "316 to be exact." She replied.

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