All Dogs Go To Heaven

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*(y/n)'s POV*

Dean was grilling some ribs and burgers as Ben and Peyton were setting up the picnic table. The kids and I were gathering up the bread, toppings for the burgers, the mashed potatoes and corn on the cob to bring out and set it on the table.

Like we promised to Bobby, we spent the remaining weeks of summer with the kids before they had to go back to school. We did out best to make up for not being around for most of the summer for the kids, so we stayed home while Bobby had the Malfoy's and other hunters do the hunting.

Today was their last day of freedom and we decided on having a picnic on this nice warm day. After getting the table set up, Peyton and I played with the kids with some water guns while Ben was helping Dean with the food.

"I'm gonna getcha!" Peyton said to the kids as they squeal and run. Then Ryder sprays some water at me then giggles. "Gotcha, Momma!" He said, giggling. "Oh, yeah? Well..." I said then I sprayed water at him. "I got you too!" I shouted and he squeals and giggles and we continue to play.

"Okay, food's ready!" Dean calls out, him and Ben placing the food on the table, and we head over to the table and began to eat our meal. "I know we were gone for most of the summer, kids. But, uh...I hope these last few weeks made up for them." Dean tells Ryder and Claire. "Yeah, it does." Ryder said. "Yeah, we were upset that you guys were gone alot but...we get it. Being an adult sucks." Claire said and we laugh. "Yeah, yeah, it does." Dean said. 

Then I look over at Peyton. "Peyton, you got all of your supplies ready for school?" I asked her. Peyton decided to complete her last year of school here; so with the help from Bobby, we were able to get her transferred and enrolled at school. Sad thing is she won't be hunting with us for the year but I was proud of her for being responsible. And she told me she would drop the kids off to school as she headed to high school.

"Yeah...everything's packed and ready." She said and I nod. "I'm kinda sad that I had to leave my friends but...I'll just be glad to have this last year of school done." Peyton said. "I'm also sorry for know helping you guys out." She said and Dean waves his hand, vaguely. "Hey, it's okay. Ben, (y/n) and I got this. You just finish school first." Dean tells her and she smiles. "Thanks, guys." She said.

"Well, isn't this a nice family gathering." A voice said and we all turn and see Crowley standing by the backdoor of the house. "Hello, lovebirds." Crowley greets us and Dean and I glare at him. Of all days to drop by, he had to come over this day.

"You two made beautiful kids." Crowley said once we made it inside the house, the kids stayed outside and ate their dinner. Then he looks over at Dean. "Must've gotten their looks from their mother." He said, smirking. "What do you want, Crowley?" Dean asked. "Can't an old friend drop by and say hi?" Crowley asked as he leans against the kitchen counter. 

"Not when that old friend threatened a good friend of ours to take him to hell." I growled as I fold my arms across my chest. "And of all days to barge in on us, why today?" Dean asked him. "Well...Good news! I've got a job for you." He said. "I'm gonna say this once. You can take your job and shove it up your ass." Dean threatened him. "But you don't even know what it is." Crowley said, looking a bit offended.

"If it’s from you, then it's bad." I said and Crowley looks between us. "Look, I'm sending you –" he started to say but Dean said. "No." 

"Beg pardon?" Crowley asked him, surprised. "I've done some shady stuff in my time, but I am not doing this. No." said Dean. "Ten quid says you will." Crowley said then he places a finger on his chin, as if he was scheming. "How would you feel if I....visited your kids while you two aren't there to protect them?" Crowley said, in a threatening undertone, and my heart drops as Dean glares at him.

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