Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

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A doctor pulls back a sheet from the body of a middle-aged man, which is covered in circular raised sores of various sizes that appear to have been made by tentacles. Ben and Peyton, in their FBI suits, look over the body.

"Ohh. Those are not the fun kind of hickeys." Peyton remarks as she looks at the body in disgust. "You're – you're saying an octopus did this?" Ben asked the doctor. "Not just any octopus. Based on welt diameter, Enteroctopus dofleini." the doctor replied and the two teens give a confused look.

"And for those of us who skipped the enteroctopus class?" Ben asked for clarification. "Giant Pacific octopus." The doctor simplified. "How giant we talking, Doc?" Peyton asked him. "Approximately 30 feet." the doctor replied and Ben laughs briefly until the doctor gives him a look of disapproval.

"I mean, aren't...giant octopi rare around here?" Ben asked. "Yet here we are." The doctor said as he gestures to the body. "All right, so what happens? Guy comes home, cracks a beer, and gets...suckered to death?" Peyton asked, confused. "Obviously, this was some kind of freak fetish attack. Someone created those hickey marks, then bled the man out." the doctor said and he turns the dead man’s head to expose a wound on the side of his throat.

Later, Ben and Peyton walk through the hallways as they talk amongst each other. "That bite look a little vamp-y to you?" Ben asked Peyton. "Yeah, no question." Peyton said. "So what are we looking for? An octovamp? A vamptopus?" Ben asked. "That's crazy even for us, right?" Peyton asked. "It does push the envelope." Ben said.

"Should we maybe call Bobby or Dean and (y/n)?" Peyton asked. "No, we got this. Dean and (y/n) are busy with the kids and finding a new home. And I think that whole deal with Osiris really messed with (y/n). Plus they trusted us enough to do this job on our own." Ben said. "Yeah, doesn't hurt to ask." Peyton said. "Okay, well if anything even more weird pops up, we'll at least call Bobby. He'll probably know." Ben said send Peyton nods. "In the meantime let's go chat up the widow." Ben said.

"We're very sorry for your loss, ma'am." Peyton said, sympathetically, to the widow, Mrs Harper. "Mrs. Harper, we know this is, uh, bad timing. But we just have a few routine questions that we need to ask you – is that okay?" Ben asked as he, Peyton and Mrs Harper are seated around a coffee table. Mrs Harper holding a Kleenex and Ben and Peyton have cups of coffee. "Yeah." she cries.

"Did the house feel any different lately?" Peyton asked her. "Different...?" Mrs Harper asked, confused, as she looks at them. "Anything strange. Cold spots. Uh, did you smell anything weird? Maybe sulfury?" Ben asked. "No. Not that I can remember." Mrs Harper replied. "Okay, we're just ticking all the boxes here. Um, what about any skeletons in your husband's closet?" Ben asked.

"Skeletons? What do you mean?" Mrs Harper asked. "Can you think of anybody who would want to do him harm? A colleague, an old flame." Ben said. "The tiniest detail could really help." Peyton added. "You want to know what he was up to lately? Ask Stacey. She was here the night he died." Mrs Harper said.

"Um... Stacey?" Peyton asked. "Our nanny. Any other questions?" Mrs Harper asked. "No, that's...Thank you. You've been a big help." Ben said and he and Peyton get up to leave. "Really appreciate the hospitality, ma'am." Peyton said and they leave the house, a little girl watches them from the top of the stairs.

"Mom, dad, nanny – boy, that is a love triangle right out of a soap opera." Ben jokes. "The only thing I can't wrap my mind around is –" Peyton said, thinking. "What, how wife lady summoned an octovamp?" Ben asked her. "More like why? I mean, kind of impractical, right?" Peyton asked. "Yeah. All right, one of us needs to go talk to the hot nanny." Ben said and Peyton gives him a disapproving look as they come upon an old mustang car, which Bobby lent them.

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