My Heart Will Go On...

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"So, we didn't bring the Alpha to Crowley like he asked. And now we're worried that, he's gonna come after the kids." Dean tells Bobby as we sit in our living room. Dean and I were sitting on the couch and Bobby was across from us on a chair as he looks between us.

"Well...that is a pickle, you two are in." Bobby said. "Yeah, tell us about it." I grumble as Dean takes my hand in his. "I mean, here they'd be safe since we could put some Devil's Trap in here but...what about their school?" Bobby asked us. "Well, we got someone at their school, we trust, to watch over them for the time being." Dean said. "We just need help to watch them and the house while we go out hunting." I said and Bobby nods.

"You two can count me in. Wouldn't want that bastard to come anywhere near those rugrats." Bobby said and we sigh with relief. "Thanks, Bobby." Dean said. "No problem. Plus Ellen would kick my ass if I refused, she loves those kids. Might ask her to help out." Bobby said. "The more the merrier." I said as we hear the front door open.

We look over as the door opens and in walks Claire and Ryder. "Hey, kids! Have a good day at school?" I asked them. "Yeah." The kids said, in unison. "I need help reading a chapter in this book!" Ryder said. "Okay, well, we can read that together tonight." I tell him and he smiles. "I have this math homework and I don't understand it." Claire said, upset, and Dean and I frown at her.

"Claire, I told you I'd help you with that." A voice said as the familiar tall figure of Sam Winchester walks in the house and shuts the door behind him. "Are you sure, Uncle Sam?" She asked her. "Of course!" Sam said. "Thank you, Uncle Sam!" Claire said, happily, and I smile at this.

Sam took a look at Claire's homework and picks up a pencil. "Alright, here's a trick I used when I was your age." He said, drawing sideways circles around the problem so it look like a butterfly.

"First, multiply the left-to-right diagonal, then multiple the right-to-left diagonal. These two numbers go in the butterfly antenna. Subtract them, and you've got your numerator. Multiply the two denominators, and that brings you the denominator for the solution." Sam explained, demonstrating by solving the problem for her.

Dean looks completely confused and not gonna lie hearing Sam explain that hurt my brain too. "Make sense?" Sam asked, turning to Claire, who stares at him with a blank expression. "No." She replied and he chuckles. "Okay, maybe we can work this out together tonight. I gotta talk to your mom and dad about something." Sam said, handing Claire back her paper and pencil.

"Math is dumb." Claire grumbled, frowning at the other problems on her worksheet. "Couldn't agree more, babygirl." Dean said. "Reading's dumb too." Ryder whined. "I know they seem hard now kids, but they're important." I told them.

"When am I ever going to use multiplication?" Claire asked and I look over at Sam for help on this one. "You never know, Claire. It's always better to be prepared." Sam said to her. "Just seems pointless." Claire mutters.

"It kinda is." A new voice said as Jo and Ellen enter the house. "I haven't used it since I graduated." Jo said, holding a jacket. "Aunt Ellen an Jo!" The kids exclaimed, discarding their homework to run over and greet them.

"Hey there, you little munchkins!" Ellen said, crouching down to hug them with Jo. "When did you two get so big all of a sudden?" Jo teased. "Did you bring us anything?" Ryder asked Ellen. "Ryder." I said, giving him a look.

"I might have." Ellen said, reaching into her bag and pulling out movie tickets. "How would you two like to see a movie?" She asked and the kids whole faces lit up like Christmas trees.

"Can we mom and dad?" Claire asked, looking back at Dean and I with pleading eyes. "Yeah, can we?" Ryder asked, bouncing in place. I smile, shaking my head. It's been so long since I've seen them smile like that. "Sure." I said. "You two have fun." Dean said, smiling.

Supernatural II: Resurgence (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now