We Need To Talk About Kevin

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*3rd Person POV*

Kevin was tied up in a chair, his mouth taped up. He sits there, his mind racing over everything that's happened the past few days and his fear for his mother's life. After Raphael killed the two angels, he took Kevin and his mother away from their home and took them to this old house that looked a bit abandoned.

Then Raphael had one of his henchmen grabbed Kevin's mother and took her away as Raphael tied Kevin up and then taped up his mouth so that he could stop screaming, or even try to call out for help.

As he wallows in his thoughts, the door to the room he was in opens and Raphael comes in. He takes a hair and sets the chair across from Kevin. "Kevin. I am Raphael. I'm very excited to meet you." Raphael introduced while Kevin glares at him.

"You nervous? Don't be. I'm your biggest fan." Raphael said then he rips the tape off Kevin's mouth. "I brought you a present." He said and he takes out the Tablet from the briefcase he had brought in with him. "What's that say, Kev?" Raphael asked and Kevin looks at it then back at Raphael. "I don't know." Kevin said and Raphael smirks, humorously, then he stands up.

"You know, I've checked, Kevin. Number one in your class, winner of the Chad Kennedy top young scientist prize – all that on top of being Keeper of the Word. You're a clever young man." Raphael said and he takes a laptop out of his briefcase, opens it and slides it towards Kevin. "I'm confident you'll make the right choice here." He said. "What makes you think that?" Kevin asked and Raphael's eyes darken.

"Because if you don't..." he said and he snaps his fingers and another angel appears, holding Mrs Tran with one hand and aiming a knife close to her throat in the other hand. "Ma? Mom?!" Kevin exclaims, fearfully, and Raphael smirks. "Well, I think this negotiation is concluded." he said as Kevin whimpers in distress.

*(y/n)'s POV*

I was typing on my laptop as I sit on the spare bed while Dean is sitting next to me, reading the notebook in which Kevin translated the tablet. "Okay, sweetheart I have read this more times than the Playboy I found in Dad's duffel." Dean said and I snort at this.

"Anna Nicole?" I asked him. "Anna Nicole. Oh, the good – they die young, huh?" Dean asked me and I shake my head. "You are hopeless." I said. "And yet, you married me." He said and I chuckle. "Look, we can read this till our eyes bleed. It ain't getting any clearer." He said and I sighed and look over at him. "Okay. Then what does it mean?" I asked him.

*3rd Person POV*

Kevin stares between the tablet and his mother before looking back at Raphael. "Have you made a decision?" Raphael asked him. Kevin stares at him then sighs and nods. "I'll do it." He said, dejected, and Raphael smiles.

"A wise choice young one." He said then he turns to the angel that had his mother and nods. The angel lets her go and she runs over to Kevin and hugs him. "Kevin!" She exclaims, tearfully. "So, what we will do is that my comrade will take your mother back to her home while you stay here and translate the tablet. Deal?" Raphael asked and Kevin stares at him.

*(y/n)'s POV*

Dean and I continue to stare at the papers Kevin gave us, even Ben and Peyton joined in. But they seemed as clueless as we were. "My brain hurts." Ben grumbles. "Yeah, and here I thought Calculus was complicated." Peyton said while Bobby had grabbed a bottle of whiskey and started to pour himself a drink.

"Bobby, you think you could...?" I started to ask but Bobby shakes his head. "That stuff is above my pay grade." He said. "Oh, gee, thanks! You're alot of help." Dean grumbles and he sets the sheet of paper down and runs his hands over his face.

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