A Little Slice Of Kevin

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I was sitting at the table in Bobby's house, using my laptop and drinking a beer when Dean walks in. "Hey." I greet. "Hey, sweetheart." Dean greets back as he rubs sleep out of his eyes. "Sleep well?" I asked him. "Not really. You're up early, did you not sleep?" Dean asked me. "I've only been up for about a couple of hours." I replied and Dean noticed the laptop I was siting in front of.

"What's up?" He asked me as he goes to the fridge and grabs himself a beer. "Well, this kid went missing from a preschool." I said. "That sucks. And?" Dean asked. "And at the same time he vanished, a surprise tornado hit, lasted maybe 20 seconds, then, uh...shazam! Back to perfect weather." I explained and Dean furrows his brow in confusion as he turns to me.

"Hmm. And they pooh-pooh climate change." He jokes and I chuckle. "Yeah." I said as Dean takes a sip of his beer then sits in the chair next to me. "Well, similar wackiness has happened over the past few weeks in other places – uh, Tulsa, a bus driver vanishes and a river gets overrun with frogs. New Mexico – a mailman disappears, the earth splits open." I listed off as he places his right arm over the back of my chair.

"All right. So, uh, you thinking demons?" he asked as he leans in to look at my laptop. "Yeah, possibly, but...I mean, this stuff was major." I said as the laptop screen shows us articles about missing persons. "These folks have nothing in common – no religious affiliations, different hometowns, all ages. Why would demons want them?" ​I asked. "Why do demons want anything?" Dean asked me then he slaps me, lightly, on the shoulder. "Uh, so, we on this?" He asked me. "Yep." I said but then we heard a small groan.

We look towards the doorway and see Ryder walking in, he looked exhausted and his nose was red. "Mommy, Daddy." He whines and both Dean and I give him concerned look. "What is it, sweetie?" I asked as we get up from our chairs and I kneel down to Ryder.

"I don't feel good." Ryder said and he lets out a groan. I kiss his forehead and felt that it was very hot. "Oh God, you're burning up." I said, worried, and I picked him up and he curls up into my chest. "How about I make up some stew?" Dean asked and I look over at him.

"Are you talking about the Winchester cure all stew?" I asked him. "Yeah, it worked on you and Sam when you guys got sick." Dean said. "Dean, the last time you made that stew, it nearly burned mine and Sam's lips off." I said. "And yet, you two got better!" Dean said, smiling, and I laugh and shake my head.

"How about I stay here with Ryder and make sure he gets better. You and Ben can go on this job." I tell him. "You sure?" Dean asked me. "Yeah, plus gives you some guy time with Ben." I said and he nods. "Okay, if you're sure." Dean said and I nod. "Yes, I'm sure." I said and Dean nods then looks down at Ryder.

"Get to feeling better, son, okay?" Dean tells him. "I'll try." Ryder groans then Dean kisses his forehead and pulls back. "Wow, you are burning up." Dean remarks and Ryder moans then buries his face deeper into my chest. I chuckle a bit then look up at Dean. "Be careful." I said. "Always." He replied then he leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back and Dean pulls back but then makes a thinking face.

"I think I need another one for the road." He said and he kisses me again then he pulls back and hums at this. "And a few more..." Dean said and he gives me a few quick pecks on the lips and I start to giggle. "You dork!" I laugh as he smiles. "And yet you married me." He said. "And I sometimes ask myself why." I said and Dean gives me a knowing look. "Oh, I can think of a few things..." he said, smiling. "Ah, ah, ah, there's a child present." I said as he gestures to Ryder.

"Now go save the world, Winchester." I said, winking at him, and he smiles and starts to walk out of the room. "I love you." He calls out to me. "I love you too!" I said then I look down at Ryder. "Okay, honey, let's get you something for that fever." I said.

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