Taxi Driver

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"Kevin, open up! Kevin!" Dean shouts as he pounds on the door while I stand behind him. Kevin then opens the door, huge cast iron skillet in hand, he looks haunted, tired, unkempt. "Whoa! Whoa. Geez. What's going on? What's with the S.O.S.?" Dean asked him and Kevin lets us in.

"It's him." Kevin said. "It's who?" I asked him, concerned. "Crowley." Kevin said. "What about him?" Dean asked. "He's in my head." Kevin replied. "He' your head." I said, questioning.

"Do you know what that means?" Kevin asked us, panicked. "Yeah, it means we need to up your anxiety meds. Kevin, you're dreaming. Look, if Crowley knew where you were, he'd do a hell of a lot more than mess with your head." Dean assures him.

"Have any of you heard from Christian? I haven't heard from him in months." Kevin said and Dean and I share a look. "Uh, we don't know how to tell you this Kevin but...Christian is dead." I explained and his eyes widened. "What?! How?" He asked. "He and Gwen were trying to protect us...from Crowley." Dean said and Kevin looks a bit fearful.

"Oh...Christian was a decent guy I just..." Kevin stops then shakes his head. "Okay, well, what did you want to tell us that you couldn't say on the phone?" I asked but noticed he was still holding the pan. "Would you put the frying pan down, please?" I asked him and Kevin puts the pan on the stove.

"I translated the second trial from the tablet." Kevin informs and we stood there, shocked. "You...crazy Prophet, you. Nice work!" Dean praised. "And if Crowley's in my head, he knows." Kevin said. "Okay, he's definitely not in your head." Dean said. "He's not in your head, Kevin. It's okay. Just...We know you're distressed. Just stay with us, all right? What's the second trial?" I asked.

"An innocent soul has to be rescued from Hell and delivered unto Heaven." Kevin tells us. "What?" Dean said. "Unto. That's – that's how God talks." Kevin said, nervously.

"Rescue a soul from Hell? Like actually...Go to Hell? How – how do you get a soul unto Heaven? I mean, how do you even get a soul out of Hell?" I asked, in panicked confusion. "We're gonna need an expert." Dean said.

I put a box in a hole in the ground and cover it with my foot. "Winchesters." A male voice said and we look over at the demon, his eyes flash red. "What happened to the hot chicks?" Dean asked and I elbow his side.

"I'm out of here." The demon said as he starts to walk away but found out he couldn't move. "Maybe not." I said as the crossroads demon looks down to see he is standing in a huge devil's trap.

"I ain't got nothing." The crossroads demon said, we were in an abandoned house with the demon tied to a chair, seated under a devil's trap. I dump holy water on him, making him sizzle. "Oh?" I said. "Bite me." The demon spat. "Well, then how about another owie?" Dean asked as he picks up another bucket full of holy water and dumps it over him, making him scream.

"You know, wouldn't it be a lot easier just to tell us how to enter Hell, uh, uninvited?" I asked the demon. "It's...a secret." The demon replied. "We promise we won't tell anyone." Dean said as I pick up another bucket of holy water. "No! Wait. I can't. It's forbidden, man. They're gonna kill me." The demon pleads and I dump holy water on him, it burns the demon.

"Please...All right, look...For a price, y'all can be smuggled across Hell's border." The demon admitted. "By who?" Dean asked. "Rogue reapers. They got secret ways, in and out. Not just Hell – the Veil, Heaven." The demon explains and I was taken aback by this.

"Rogue reapers smuggling people?" I asked him. "People, souls..." the demon said. "So, what? They're like hell coyotes?" I asked and the demon nods, Dean and I exchange looks.

"Now kill me." The demon pleads and we look back at him, not moving. "Come on, man. Better death than Crowley." The demon said. "Hmm. Good point. But first you're gonna tell us...everything." Dean tells him.

Supernatural II: Resurgence (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now