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*3rd Person POV*

Jody Mills sits at a booth in a nice restaurant as Nancy, a waitress, walks up behind her with a glass of red wine and sets it in front of Jody. "On the house, Sheriff." Nancy tells her. "Oh, thanks, Nance, but I didn't order –" Jody started to say when a voice speaks up. "So..."

Nancy quickly turns her head to see Crowley walking up and then back again to Jody. "Good luck." Nancy mouths to Jody then she leaves. "...what are we drinking?" Crowley asked he was he sits down across from Jody. "Roderick?" Jody asked, wanting to confirm his identity. "Wow, Jody. Words cannot begin to describe the injustice that that picture does to you." Crowley flirts and Jody chuckles. "Come on."

Time goes by as the two sit and talk then Jody smiles at Crowley. "What?" Crowley asked her. "Look at you. The fancy career, the suit. I'm pretty much what I am -- small-town girl." Jody said. "We do share something, you and I." Crowley said. "What?" She asked. "Loss." Crowley replied.

Jody's smile fades as she begins to think back to the time her husband and son were killed. Her mind flashes as it shows her happy with her husband and son and then showing her husband lying in a pool of blood after her son turned into a zombie and killed him then a gunshot being heard and Jody wincing in emotional pain. "My son and my husband. How did you know?" Jody asked him as she has her hands clasped on the table and Crowley reaches his right hand over the table and places it over her hands and gives a gentle squeeze.

"I've lost someone, too." Crowley said and Jody begins to cry then suddenly stops then laughs. "It's not a date till I've cried." She chuckles as she wipes a tear away with her right hand. "So now you've cried." Crowley said and Jody brings her right hand down to cover over the hand that Crowley placed on hers.

Later, Jody bursts into the restaurant bathroom and walks to the mirror to fix her makeup. "Oh, this is crazy." She said as she closes the door. "This is crazy." She chuckles as she digs through her purse. "I'm crazy." She mutters.

Crowley is back at the table unwrapping a piece of cloth that has a red symbol on it that has a small pile of sticks with yarn wrapped around them in it and places the candle that is already lit on the table at the top of the cloth. He smiles while Jody, in the bathroom, is applying lipstick.

"He's attractive, though, right? He's hot." she said as Crowley takes out a picture of Jody with a symbol written in blood across her face and leans it against the base of the candle stick. He looks around to see if anyone is watching then he chants over the prepared spell. "Manu mortis accesso spiritus vitae recedit."

As Crowley chants, Jody looks, curiously, at a hex bad that she found in her purse then she bends over in sudden pain. She begins to gasp, choke and retch in pain and blood begins to pour out of her mouth into the sink in front of her.

Crowley then picks up his cell phone as it rings with a smile. "You have less than one minute before a very dear, attractive, and slightly tipsy friend of yours snuffs it." Crowley said and Dean slams his hand down on the table. "Call it off, Crowley." Dean demands. "Because?" Crowley asked. "Because it's over, you son of a bitch. We want to deal." Dean tells him.

"30 seconds." Crowley said as Jody, in the bathroom, collapses to the floor on her side retching in pain. "We stop the trials, and you stop the killing." Dean tells him. "I want the Demon Tablet -- the whole Demon Tablet." Crowley demands. "Fine, but then the Angel Tablet comes to us." Dean tells him.

"On what grounds?" Crowley asked. "On the grounds that you're a douche bag and no douche bag should have that much power. Deal or not?" Dean asked him and Crowley reached over the candle and is about to pinch it. "First, I need to hear two little words -- I surrender." Crowley said and Dean rolls his eyes and looks off to his side without saying anything.

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