Back In Business?

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*3rd Person POV*

Dean pulls up to the house, parks and shuts the engine off and goes to grab the pizza and get out of the car when he heard footsteps behind him. He turns around and sees Mrs Mason coming up to him. "Evening, Mrs Mason." Dean said as he shuts the door.

"Mr Winchester, you need to have a talk with that wife of yours." She said, in a scolding tone. "Oh? Why?" Dean asked, his right eyebrow raised in confusion and curiosity. "She was very rude and disrespectful to me earlier." Mrs Mason said and Dean nods a bit before turning his head away and rolls his eyes.

"I mean, I was telling her that she needed to keep those kids under control cause I know they are the ones breaking my garden gnomes." Mrs Mason rambles. Good God, shut up! ​​​​​Dean thinks as he turns to her and gives the best concern look on his face.

"I will have a talk with them, Mrs Mason." Dean said, in a fake pleasant voice. And Mrs Mason smiles a bit. "Good. Honestly, I don't think that girl is good enough for you." She said and Dean turns away from her, feeling the anger rising. How dare she insult his wife like that, if anything he felt like he wasn't good enough for her.

He calms himself down then turns back to Mrs Mason. "Well you do seem to have a good judge of character, Mrs Mason. Mr Mason sure seemed like a good fella until he started mowing Mrs Gribble's law." He retorts and got a quick glance at Mrs Mason's stunned face before he walks off and heads inside the house.

He smiles a self-congratulatory smile as he shuts the door then turns to face the inside of the house. "Hey! I'm home! Dinner's here!" He calls out and he hears hurried footsteps. "Daddy!" The kids exclaimed as they run up to him as he walks into the kitchen and places the pizza box down.

"Hey, kids!" Dean said, smiling, as he kneels to them and the kids go and hug him. "How was school?" He asked them as they pull away from the embrace. "It was alot of fun!" Claire said. "Yeah, we mostly played outside today!" Ryder said. "Well, sounds like you two had a great day." Dean said as he stands up and the kids start to climb up on the chairs and Dean opens the box.

"Dig in!" Dean said as the kids start to grab at the slices. "Let me get you two some plates. Your mother would get mad if we didn't use a plate." Dean said as he walks over to the cabinet and grabs two plates for them.

"By the way, where's your mother?" Dean asked them. "Upstairs. She was on the phone with someone earlier." Claire said as she accepts her plate and grabs a slice of pizza. "Oh? Did she say who?" Dean asked, curiously, as he hands Ryder his plate. "Um...I heard her say...E-Elijah..." Ryder said and Dean gives a confused look to him.

Elijah? What the hell would he want? Dean thought as he remembers how Elijah was (y/n)'s first boyfriend. "Okay, I'll go talk to her." Dean said as he heads upstairs and the kids continue to eat their dinner.

*(y/n)'s POV*

I was sitting at the edge of the bed in mine and Dean's shared room, fiddling with my phone in my hand, when I hear the doorknob turn. I startle a bit, since my mind was occupied with what Ben and Peyton told me, and look up to see Dean coming in, giving me a look of suspicion.

"Oh, hey, honey. Didn't hear you." I said and Dean shuts the door behind him. "Yeah, um...I want to ask you. The kids told me that you were on the phone...with Elijah." Dean said and I frown a bit. "Why did he call you?" He asked me and I bite my lips.

"Well...he, uh...he was calling me cause...he had" I said and Dean's eyes widen at this. "What?" He said, shocked. "You remember Ben and Peyton, right?" I asked and he nods. "Well, they had seen something they weren't supposed to and...they're scared that they are in danger." I said.

Supernatural II: Resurgence (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now