Defending Your Life

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Dean, Ben, Peyton and I walk up to an apartment building and see some policeman standing at the entrance. We hold up our FBI badges and he lets us through the Do Not Cross. We enter the apartment and show our badge to the Detective after he turned to face us.

"​Welcome to Crazytown, population – one dead guy." The Detective said to us. "Who was he?" Ben asked him. "Uh, Matthew Hammond. Seems to have been crushed to death." the Detective said. "By?" Dean asked. "Well, if we weren't on the tenth floor, I'd say by a car." the Detective replied a d we all share a look.

A police photographer takes a picture of a bloodstained brick wall with a hole knocked through it. Meanwhile, Peyton takes out her EMF reader. "It's going crazy." she tells us. "Some kind of ghost?" Ben asked and Peyton nods.

"With a license? License to kill." Dean said and I roll my eyes. "Seriously?" Ben asked him while I noticed something on the ground. "Huh." I muttered as I go to it. "What do you got?" Dean asked as I place my first two fingers on the powder-like substance. "I don't know. Looks like some kind of powder." I said.

"Sulfur?" Ben asked me. "No. Just dirt." I said as u wipe off the dirt. "Could be Christine-like." I said. "Ugh. Even possessed cars can't do stairs. It's something spectral." Dean said as he goes over to a bowl of knick-knacks.

"Check this out. AA, 10 years. Dead and sober." Dean said as he holds up a token and tosses it to me. "Double crappy." Dean said while Ben is looking at some papers. "There's a charge keeps coming up. 50 bucks a month at a place called Jane's." Ben said and I scoff out a laugh. "All right. Congrats on your sobriety." I said and I toss the token back to Dean.

"I'll go find out what Jane's is." I said. "I gave up AA for Lent." Dean said and I look at him. "We're not Catholic." I said. "Always with the details. AA gives me the jeebs." Dean said and I sighed. "Wow. Shocker." I said, sarcastically. "Shut up." Dean said and I shake my head. 

"Fine. Ben and Peyton can hit the meeting, you and I can go find out about Jane." I said and Dean nods.

*3rd Person POV*

Ben, Peyton and a woman are talking outside of the building. "Matt was a nice guy. Kind of a tortured soul. Join the club. But he just seemed to have a lot going on." the woman said.

"Any idea what it was? Family, a girl?" Ben asked her. "He played it all pretty close to the vest. Something was eating at him, though, the last time I saw him. He almost slipped." The woman said. "When?" Peyton asked her. "Just before he died, I guess. Called me from Neal's Tavern. Said he was an inch away from drinking. So I ran over, talked him off the ledge." the woman said.

"Well, do you know what triggered it?" Ben asked her.  "Like I said, he didn't share much." the woman said, shrugging.

*(y/n)'s POV*

"May I help you?" The female shopkeeper greeted as we entered Jane's Flowers. "Uh, yes. We, uh..." Dean said as he and I hold up our FBI badges. "Just had a few questions about a customer of yours, name of Matthew Hammond." Dean said.

"Uh, sure. He's not in trouble, is he?" the woman asked us. "Actually, Mr. Hammond is no longer with us." I said and she looks a bit surprised by this. "Oh. Now it all makes sense." she said. "What does?" Dean and I asked.

"He came in, couple days ago, paid me three years in advance to keep his monthly delivery going." she replied. "And where do the flowers go?" I asked her. "A Miss Elizabeth Duren." she said and Dean and I share a look. "You mind, uh, writing Elizabeth's address down? We'd like to pay her a visit." Dean tells her and she gives a look.

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