As Time Goes By

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*3rd Person POV*

Normal, Illinois


Rain came pouring down, beating against the glass window of the study room. Albert stares at the letter that his old colleague and he sighs and runs his hand over his face. "Albert?" A female voice called out and he looks up to see his wife, Marilyn.

"You wanna say goodnight to your son?" She asked him. "Yes, darling. I'll be in there in a few." Albert said then he looks back down at the letter. "Are you thinking about going back?" She asked, worried, and he looks back at her. Albert sighs then said. "I'm afraid so, honey. Although, I don't want to." He said and Marilyn walks up to him and places her hands on his shoulder.

"Then don't go, darling. Please, you left that life behind, just like I left the hunting life." She said and Albert looks up at her, seeing her pleading eyes. He stands up and turns to her then takes her hands in his. "If it's as important as Henry claims it is, then I must go. I can't turn my back on my friend." Albert said and Marilyn's eyes weld up with tears then she hugs him.

"Just make sure to come back home." She said as he hugs her back. "I will. I promise." Albert said then he leans in and gives a loving kiss to her. "Well, I better go and tuck the tyke in." Albert said then he leaves while Marilyn hugs herself, watching her husband leave.

Albert walks down the hall and comes up to a room then opens it to see a young boy with (h/c) hair in his pajamas. "Dad?" The boy asked, tiredly. "Hey, sport." Albert said as he sits on the edge of the boy's bed. The boy takes notice of his father's outfit.

"Where are you going?" He asked Albert. "Work. I just wanted to check on you before I left and say goodnight." Albert said. "What's that, pops?" The boy asked as he points to the pin bearing a unicursal hexagram symbol that Albert is wearing on his tie. "One day, I'll tell you all about it. Now get some shut-eye. See you first thing in the morning." he said and he lifts a music box from a small bedside table and winds it. It plays As Time Goes By.

He turns off the light and walks to the door. "Good night, (f/n)." He said and (f/n) nods and smiles at his dad before he starts to close his eyes as Albert closes the door behind him.

Later, Albert walks down the street past a jeweler's and a supper club. He stops at a door and knocks twice, then once, then three times, the door opens and he enters. "Good evening, sir. It's so good to see you, again." A man's voice greets as Albert walks in.

He walks down the hallway to see a man in a suit similar to Albert's and a woman in evening dress is sitting on a bench by a stained-glass window. She stands and he takes off his hat.

Hearing the footsteps, the man and the woman turn and the man smiles. "Albert!" He greets, smiling, as he walks up to Albert. "Henry." Albert greets back as they shake hands. "It is so good to see you, my friend. I was afraid I would receive a call from Marylin." Henry said and Albert chuckles.

"You might still get one." Albert jokes and Henry chuckles. "It is still good to see you." Henry said when a man, wearing a hooded cape, opens a door. The symbol from Albert's tie pin is on his cape.

"Ms. Sands?" The man said and Henry and Albert smile at Ms Sands and Henry nods slightly towards the door. Ms Sands walks to the door and pauses to look back at Henry and Albert, who smile again. She walks into the room and the door closes behind her.

Henry takes off his hat and coat and sits down in front of the stained-glass window, Albert takes the seat next to him. "How's your son?" Henry asked Albert. "He's good. He's growing like a weed." Albert said, smiling, then he turns to Henry. "How about your boy? He doing good?" Albert asked and Henry nods.

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