Dog Dean Afternoon

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I was sitting at the table when Dean comes into the room. "Wow." He said. "What?" I asked him. "Kevin. Just poured some buffalo milk down his gob twice." Dean said. "Buffalo milk?" I said, confused. "Yeah, the hangover cure-all. It's got everything in it. Except buffalo milk." He said.

"How is that kid still recovering from Branson?" I asked. "What can I say? He's an amateur. The slippery nipple shots at the Dolly Parton Dixie Stampede nearly killed the guy." Dean said and I snort at this. "What about Ariel?" I asked him. "I went to check on her and she's still passed out in her bed." Dean said and I shake my head.

"All right. Well, uh, I got something that's gonna get us back on the road." I said as Dean sits down next to me. "A case?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "You sure you're ready for that?" Dean asked me. "Why would I not be ready for that?" I asked. "Aren't you kind of running on empty?" He said, questioning. "Yeah, but the last three nights straight, I had eight hours of shut-eye. For a hunter, that's like 20. Trust me, Dean. I feel good." I said.

"Well, that's great and all, James Brown, but you're still recovering from the trials. I think you ought to pace yourself, you know? And the sooner you heal..." Dean said. "Yeah?" I said after he stopped. "I just want you back to your old self." He replied as he places a hand on my back and runs it up and down, soothingly. "I am, Dean. Look, Kevin's back on the heaven spell, Ariel is here safe, Crowley's locked up. We should be out there doing what we do best." I said. "Yeah..." Dean said, unsure.

"You want to listen at least?" I asked him and he doesn't respond. "Okay, great. Taxidermist named Max Alexander mysteriously crushed to death. Nearly every joint in his body dislocated, every bone broken. Poor guy is a human pretzel. You tell me what's got that kind of strength." I said. "A demonic luchador?" Dean suggested and I chuckled. "Shop's a couple hours away in Enid, Oklahoma. We should at least check it out." I said and Dean nods.

Later, Dean and I go to the garage and walk towards the Impala and I open the passenger seat, when I heard hurried steps behind me. I turn just in time to see a large blur rush past me and jump into the car. "Whoa!" Dean said as we look inside and see Ace had jumped inside the car.

"Buddy, no, you need to get out." Dean said and Ace turns to face him and whines. "Oh, let's just go ahead and let him come with us. Poor boy hasn't been out on a ride in a while." I said and Dean looks between me and Ace then sighs. "Okay...well, Ace, backseat!" Dean said and Ace jumps over to the back and Dean gets in. "I'll go grab his leash." I said as I head inside.

Once I got the leash and let the kids know Ace is coming with us, I make my way back to the Impala and sit in the passenger seat, Dean starts the car and we take off.

After getting a motel and dropping Ace off in our room, Dean and I come upon the Taxidermy shop when we see DIE SCUM has been written on the wall and door in red paint. On the painted "M" is a symbol of a dog's paw print in an inverted triangle. "Subtle." Dean remarks as we enter, wearing our FBI suits.

"Check that out." I said as I point to the symbol. "Huh." I mutter and I take out my phone and take a picture of the symbol. Then we enter the shop and walk past mounted trophy heads and stuffed animals. "Well, the creep factor just skyrocketed." Dean said as the sheriff holds up his hands.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." He said as we approach him. "How are you? Agents Michaels and Deville." I introduced as Dean and I hold up our FBI badges. "The body's already been to the morgue. Just wrapping it up with Dave Stephens. He's the one who discovered the body. Such a shame. I used to go hunting with Max. He was a real good egg." The sheriff said. "Sorry for your loss." Dean said. "Thanks." the sheriff said.

"You mind showing my partner around? I just got a couple questions for Mr. Stephens." Dean said and the sheriff nods. "Okay. Come on." The sheriff tells me and I follow him into the next room.

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