Sharp Teeth

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Dean and I were sitting in the hospital room, where Garth was lying unconscious in his bed. On our way back home, we gotten news about Garth through the police wire. So instead of heading straight home, we thought to stop and check on Garth, especially since he just upped and disappeared on us.

Dean pulls out a syringe from his pocket and looks at it. "Dean, you sure about this?" I asked him, nodding to the syringe. "We have to know, (y/n)." Dean said as the door to the room opens. Dean hides the syringe behind his back when we see Ben had come in.

"Hey." Ben greets, surprised. "Hey, kiddo." Dean said. "Saw Garth's John Doe on the police wire. You?" Ben asked us. "Yeah. Same here. Peyton with the kids?" I asked and Ben nods. "Yeah, and um, I meant to tell you guys but um...Ariel and Kevin left." Ben tells us.

"What?" Dean and I exclaimed. "And even crazier, Ariel is an angel again." Ben said. "How?" Dean asked and Ben goes to explain what Ariel told them. I sighed and run a hand over my face. "That's great." I grumbled, annoyed. "Has Cas contacted you guys?" Ben asked and we shake our heads. "This is just a mess." Ben sighs then he looks over at Garth.

"You spoken to him yet?" He asked us. "No. Assload of painkillers. He's been out since we got here." Dean said as Ben walks over to the bed and noticed that Garth was handcuffed to the bed. "What's he being charged with?" Ben asked. "Killing a cow." I replied, plainly.

"Why?" Ben asked. "We were about to see if we could find out. Lock the door." Dean tells Ben and Ben moves to lock the door but rushes back when Dean pulls the syringe from behind his back.

"Whoa. Hey. What is that? Adrenaline?" Ben exclaims. "Yes, sir." Dean said. "You trying to jump-start him or kill him?" Ben asked him, a bit panicked. "I want some answers. He walked out on Kevin. He walked out on us. So if you got a better idea..." Dean said to Ben, who sighs and then slaps Garth full in the face.

Garth then wakes up, screaming, then he looks around at us and calms down. "Dean? (Y/n)? Ben? What is this?" Garth asked and he takes in his surroundings. "A hospital? Wait. Am I in Heaven?" He asked us, panicked. "All right, take it easy, Garth. You're in Wisconsin." I tell him. "You were hit by a car. Do you remember anything?" Ben asked him and Garth groans.

"I, uh...Vaguely." He said and he pulls he hand up to hold his head but its stopped by the handcuffs. "What's with the hardware?" Garth asked and Dean unlocks the cuffs and removes them. "You tell us." Dean said. "And while you're at it, why don't you give us the lowdown on why you went AWOL for the past six months? Only way we tracked you down is that you offed a cow." I said, a bit upset.

"Offed a...what? I -- I -- I was on a hunt." Garth explained. "Hunt for what?" Dean asked him. "I -- oh, no." Garth groans as he  turns green and looks like he is going to throw up. "Oh, get back. Ohh. Oh, God." He said then in a panic he pulls all the monitors and IV off, jumps out of bed and rushes to the bathroom; shutting the door behind him. We hear him gagging and retching. "Good thing I didn't give him the adrenaline." Dean said and I nodded.

Short time later, Dean, Ben and I sit in the room while Garth is still vomiting and coughing in the bathroom. Ben then turns to look at us. "So, how did it go with Crowley? You guys find something we can use against Abaddon?" Ben asked us. "Yeah, could say that." Dean grumbles as he looks over at me, I could tell he was still upset I've taken the Mark.

At that moment, Garth starts retching and gagging again. "Just breathe, Garth! Work it out." Dean shouts as Ben looks between us. "So, what did you guys find?" He asked and I sighed as I roll up my sleeve on my right arm and show the Mark on my forearm.

"Whoa! What happened to your arm?" Ben asked, stunned, as he looks at it with disgust but also intrigue. "Oh. It's from Cain." I said to him. "Like...the wrestler?" Ben asked and Dean and I scoff out a laugh. "I wish. That would be awesome. Uh, no. The, uh...The Old Testament dude." I joked as the toilet flushes in the bathroom.

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