Devil May Care

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"So, what, Ariel is human?" I asked Dean as we come upon the bunker after he had to explain some things to me since I was out. "Ish. I mean, she's got no Grace, no wings, no... harp, whatever the hell else she had." Dean said and I chuckle, softly. "Okay. Where'd she crash-land?" I asked him. "Called me from a pay phone from Longmont, Colorado. I told her just to make for the bunker." Dean said.

"Well, you think she can handle a road trip like that?" I asked, worried. "Well, Ariel is a big girl. Things go Breaking Bad, she knows our number. Right now we got bigger worries." Dean said. "The fallen angels?" I asked and he nods. "Yeah. I mean, thanks to Metatron, we now have a couple of thousand confused loose nukes walking around down here." he said.

"What do you think they're gonna do?" I asked as we pull up to the bunker and Dean shuts the engine off. "I got no damn clue." Dean said and we get out of Olathe Impala. "What about Crowley? You, uh..." I asked then I mime slicing throat. "I would've loved nothing better than to ice that limey bitch. But then I thought to myself, what would (y/n) Winchester do?" Dean said, with a small smile. "I'd've stabbed him in the brain." I sneered and Dean looked at me, surprised.

"Oh. Well, I figured the King of Hell might know a few things, so why not Zero Dark Thirty his ass?" Dean said as he goes to the trunk and I furrow my brow. "Wait, so Crowley is...alive?" I asked him as I follow him. Dean opens the Impala's trunk to reveal Crowley. "Oh yeah. He's the junk in my trunk." Dean said as I see a Devil's Trap painted on the inside of the trunk. "Huh." I muttered, impressed.

*3rd Person POV*

Dean enters the bunker just as an arrow comes flying in his general direction, getting stuck in the handrail a few feet in front. "The hell?" Dean asked and Kevin peeks over from behind a pillar, with a crosssbow. "Really, Kevin?" Ben's voice calls out as he, Peyton, Ace and the kids come out.

"Daddy!" Claire and Ryder exclaim as they run over to him and hug him and Ace barks, excitedly. "Hey, kids." He greets as he hugs them back. "You're alive!" Peyton said, shocked as Dean pets Ace then stands up and pulls the arrow out of the handrail. "By the way, you're a terrible shot, Katniss." Dean said to Kevin. "Sorry, it's just...this place went nuts after we talked. Th-there was some alarm, and all the machines were freaking out, and the bunker just locked down! We couldn't open the door, our cellphones stopped working, we thought the world was ending!" Kevin exclaims.

"Close. The angels fell." Dean informed and the young adults give him a look of fear. "The...what does that mean?" Ben asked as Dean comes up to Kevin. "Nothing good." He said as he he takes the crossbow from Kevin. "Listen, next time the world's ending, grab a gun." Dean tells him as he puts the crossbow down on the table and starts to walk away, taking out his cellphone. "Told ya." He hears Ben whisper to Kevin.

"I got service." Dean said and Peyton flips a switch on the bunker's control panel. Lights turn on and there's a sound of mechanics whirring into action. "It's back online. Maybe when you opened the door from the outside door, it reset the system." Kevin said. "Yeah, okay, let's go with that." Dean said. "Where's Momma?" Ryder asked.

At that moment, (y/n) enters with Crowley, handcuffed, blindfolded and with earmuffs on. "Hey. All good?" She asked Dean. "Is it ever. Come on." Dean tells her as Claire, Ryder and Kevin look on and the two adults leave with Crowley. "No." Kevin whispers and Claire and Ryder hide behind Peyton and Ben. They turn to the kids and hug them, giving them comfort.

*(y/n)'s POV*

We had chain Crowley to a chair in the center of a Devil's Trap, in the dungeon, before Dean pulls off his hood and tears the duct tape off his mouth. "Ahh! Hello." Crowley greets and Dean punches him in the face. "Never get tired of doing that." He said as Crowley grunts and looks at the wall full of torture implements.

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