The Third Man

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*(y/n)'s POV*

It was the morning after the death of Elijah and Lisa and in all honesty, I really wish it was a nightmare. But, it wasn't as I saw both Ben and Peyton passed out on the pull out bed from the couch in our living room. We tried to make it as comfortable as we could but they said they were fine.

I head into the kitchen and was gathering things to make eggs, bacon and pancakes when I heard footsteps. I look over to see it was Dean. "Hey." I said, softly. "Hey." He said as he goes to make some coffee. "How'd you sleep?" I asked him. "Really couldn't sleep." He said and I sighed. "Yeah, same here." I said.

"Dean, we really do need to talk." I said, setting the food down on the counter, and Dean sighs. "I know." He mutters, unhappily. "I feel responsible for everything that's happened. I mean, if I hadn't..." I stopped as I felt a lump in my throat and I swallow. "Maybe they would still be alive."

"You know that's not true, sweetheart." Dean said and I wrap my arms around myself, the guilt building in my chest. "If we hadn't gotten involved, all of them would've been dead." Dean tells me as I hear him walk up behind me. "But I was wanting to save all of them. I wanted all of them to be safe." I said, my voice cracking, as I turn to face him. "You said so yourself, we can't save everybody." Dean tells me.

"I know, I know. But they should be alive...for their kids." I said as I gesture toward Ben and Peyton, who were asleep. Dean looks over at them and I could see a look of guilt on his face. "I keep thinking of what Ben said to me. And...I'm starting to think we should do it." Dean said and I look up at him, surprised.

"What? You mean train them in the hunting business?" I asked him and Dean turns his head to me. "That's exactly what I'm saying." He said and I give a small scoff. "I don't know, Dean." I said, skeptical. "Look, I don't really like it either. And I just want us to continue our lives seems, like I predicted, we're being thrown into this life again. Plus, those two are in it too and they will not survive. After losing their parents, they're gonna try to be hunters whether we train them or not. I mean, come on! Losing our moms was the exact same reason we got into hunting in the first place. Ben and Peyton are just gonna get themselves killed if they don't know what they're doing." Dean said as I listen then frown.

"You're right. I just...I was just happy with what we were doing." I said as a tear drop rolls down my face. I sniffle at this and Dean comes up to me and pulls me into his chest and I cling onto him as I sigh heavily, feeling tears building up in my eyes. "I know. I know." Dean whispers to me as he runs his hand up and down my back.

Moments later, I raise my head up to him. "What about Claire and Ryder?" I asked him. "We'll try to keep them out of it as much as we can. I just feel that they are too young to even know about this crap." Dean said and I hiccuped a laugh. "Dean, they're older than we were when we first heard about crap like this." I pointed out.

"I just want to keep it that way for a little bit longer. I want them to have the childhood we didn't get to have." Dean said and I give a small smile to him. "You big softie." I teased and he rolls his eyes. I giggled a bit then my smile faltered a bit.

"So, I guess that means...." I said and Dean nods. "Guess we're back in business." He said and we share a look and Dean sighs and pushes my hair back behind my ear. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I tell him and we share a loving kiss.

2 Weeks Later

The past two weeks Dean and I had been educating Ben and Peyton everything we know about ghosts, monsters, demons and angels. We also took them to a nearby shooting range, where they could practice with a gun. Ben seemed to catch on a bit quicker than we expected but Peyton is still struggling a bit.

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