Like A Virgin

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*3rd Person POV*

At the Winchester house, Ben and Peyton were reading a news story on Ben's laptop while Dean was cooking some breakfast and (y/n) was getting the kids up and ready for the day. "Momma?" Claire asks. "Yes, honey?" (Y/n) responds. "Are you, Dad, Ben and Peyton leaving again?" She asked and (y/n) turns to her.

"Um, I'm not sure, sweetie. Why?" (Y/n) asked and Claire and Ryder share a look before Claire looks back at her mother. "Well, it's just...Daddy promised us to take us to the fair this year. And it's just a few days away." Claire said and (y/n) gives a concern look. "We're still going, right?" Claire asked. "Of course, we will sweetheart. I promise." (Y/n) said and the kids smile a bit at this.

Immediately, (y/n) started to think that this promise is gonna bite her in the ass down the road.

Downstairs, Ben and Peyton make a noise as they read over the news report, Ace placed his head on Peyton's lap as she scratches behind his ear. "What's up? Job?" Dean asked as he finishes cooking bacon and eggs then got started on some pancakes. "Might be." Peyton said as Ben spins his laptop around to show a story from The Portland Chronicle, the headline reading SMALL PLANE CRASH KILLS TWO.

"Couple goes up in a light plane. Wreckage was just found in the woods." Ben explains. "Couple of Buddy Hollys? Doesn't really seem like News of the Weird." Dean said as he turns back to cooking.

"Pilot was found seventeen miles away, flambéed." Ben said and Dean stops at this. "Girl's just gone. No body, no nothing. And, get this-besides the crash, there were two other disappearances in town this week." Peyton said and Ace whines a bit at this. "Really?" Dean asked. "Yeah, last weekend, a college girl vanished from her apartment. On the seventeenth floor. Then, three days ago, another girl didn't make it home from school." Ben said.

"They know each other?" Dean asked. "No. No connection. Just young and female, like the plane-crash girl." Ben said and Dean looks over at them as he thinks. "What would disappear a girl out of the sky, anyway?" Peyton asked him. "Good question." Dean said as (y/n) and the kids come in. "You think this might be a connection to what we saw in the woods?" Peyton asked Dean.

"No telling but it could be." Dean said then he noticed the kids. "Hey, kids! Ready for pancakes?" He asked them and they nod as they take a seat.

"So, we gonna head to Portland?" Ben asked and Claire and Ryder look up then frown. "Hey, what's wrong, kiddos?" Dean asked them and (y/n) frowns at her kids. "You guys are leaving again." Ryder said, upset. "Hey, hey, we'll be back." Dean said. "But what about the fair?" Claire asked, getting a bit angry.

Dean freezes at this and remembered the promise he made them a few weeks ago. "We will make it back before that fair ends. Okay?" Dean tells them and the kids nod while Ace looks up at Dean, as if to say You sure about that??

​​​​​"How about we take this job and you two stay with them." Ben suggests and Dean and (y/n) shake their heads. "You two are still inexperienced, so no." (Y/n) said then she turns to the kids. "We promise, we will make it back, kids." She assures the kids and they give them sad looks.

"Okay." They said, sadly, obviously they had a feeling that their parents were gonna break their promise.

*(y/n)'s POV*

"You're, uh...Penny Dessertine's sister, right?" Dean asked the young woman after we arrived. "Mm-hmm." the woman said. "Uh, we'd just like to ask you a few questions." Peyton said. "Look, the cops already came by. I'm tired. So, if you don't mind --" Penny's sister said but Peyton raises a hand and gives her a sympathetic look.

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