Time After Time

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*3rd Person POV*

Dean was sitting on the bed, in one of the spare room, with a laptop; seeing stories about this guy called Dick Roman, who had just started blowing up in popularity and his company's stock was rising. ​​He shakes his head as he goes to search up for any news of a new case just as (y/n)'s phone rings and (y/n), who was asleep next to Dean, groans and starts to sit up.

"Who the hell is calling?" She asked, in a sleepy voice. "Maybe your secret boyfriend?" Dean jokes and (y/n) scoffs as she grabs her phone from the bedside table. "Oh yeah, cause you know I get booty calls every night." (Y/n) said, sarcastically, as she goes to answer her phone.

"Hello?" She answered. "(Y/n), it's Jody Mills. I wake you?" Jody asked. "The sheriff? Uh...Yeah. Uh, I mean, uh –" she stammers as she sits up and turns on the lamp next to the bed. "Listen, I got something that smells like you guys." Jody said. "A body turned up in Canton, Ohio. Local P.D.'s trying to bury the story and the body." she said.

"Okay, um, so, uh, what's up with the body?" (Y/n) asked her as she rubs sleep out of her eyes. "Well, when it went missing, it was a perfectly normal grad student named Charles Durbin. When it turned up, the thing was mummified minus the wrapping. This is actually the second body found like this in the last couple weeks. Sound like a song you guys tap to?" Jody asked. "Yeah, yeah, that's, that's um...that's our kind of number. Hey, question – how does a sheriff in Sioux Falls get wind of a case in Ohio?" (y/n) asked her.

"I'm just that nosy. Look, after everything I've been through with you guys and with Bobby, you know, something like this pops up on the wire, it catches my ear. What can I say?" Jody said. "Well, we'll look into it. Thanks, Sheriff." (y/n) said. "Call me after, okay?" Jody asked. "Yeah." (Y/n) said and she hangs up.

"That was Sheriff Mills. She caught us one." (Y/n) said to Dean. "Oh, I feel bad. We didn't get her anything." Dean said, sarcastically, as (y/n) gets up out of bed. "We'll take this job, let Ben and Peyton rest. So whatever cartoon smut you're watching, turn it off, get up and ready." (Y/n) said as she goes over to the dresser and pulls out some clothes.

After a pause, Dean closes the laptop. "It's called anime, and it's an art form." Dean said and (y/n) scoffs. "Yeah, sure it is." She grumbles then she turns to him. "So tell me something, does anime compare to the real thing?" She asked and she takes off her shirt, revealing her nude upper body, which takes Dean by surprise as he stares at her like it was the first time to see her topless.

(Y/n) smiles. "That's what I thought." She said and she goes over to the bathroom to change. As she enters the room and shuts the door, Dean gets up and goes to the door but as he goes to turn the doorknob, he finds it locked. "Oh, c'mon, sweetheart! That's not fair! You can't tease me like that!" Dean calls out, frustrated, as he hears her giggling. "I can and I will." (Y/n) said and Dean growls.

"You're no fun, you know that?" Dean calls out and he hears her chuckling. "As I've told you before, Winchester, ruining people's fun is my form of fun." She said and Dean scoffs. "Weirdo." He calls out. "Jackass." She retorted, laughing, and Dean scoffs out a laugh as well then goes over to the dresser and pulls out some of his clothes and begins to change.

Canton, Ohio

Dean and (y/n) are dressed in suits and Dean is holding the police file. "Kids playing hide-and-seek found the body." (y/n) tells him. "Wow. Very King Tut." Dean said, sarcastically. "Yeah, so, uh, this is where the eyewitness to the assault lives, but the cops are calling him an unreliable witness." (y/n) said as they walk up to a house.

"Because?" Dean asked. "Let's find out." (y/n) said and they knock at the door of a house and hold out their I.D. A man opens the door. "Special Agent Smith. This is Special Agent Anderson." Dean said and the man holds up a hand.

Supernatural II: Resurgence (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now