Exile On Main Street

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*3rd Person POV*

8 Years Later

The cool air was blowing softly in the late hours of the evening. The sky was littered with bright starts, blinking in the night. A young man of about 18, Ben Braeden, was sitting by the campfire, poking at the logs with a long stick he found. He looks over at his long time friend, 17 year old Peyton Carter, as she sits across from him, looking up at the stars sky.

The two hadn't seen each other in a few years, not since Ben's mom, Lisa, and Peyton's dad, Elijah, broke up and Ben and Lisa moved a few towns over. But 3 years ago, they finally connected through Facebook and would text each other everyday. And when the two got their driver's license, they started to visit each other when they could.

Today was Ben's High School graduation day and Peyton thought it would be fun to go out camping as they used to go out hiking when they were younger. So after graduation, Peyton and Ben loaded up his car and they drove out to the nearest campsite.

"This was such a great idea, Peyton. Nice to get away from the city." Ben said and Peyton smiled. "I know my guy, just saying." She teased and Ben laughs. "Soooo...have you thought about what your gonna do? Are you gonna go to college?" Peyton asked him, curiously. Ben stares at the flames for a moment and sighs.

"Honestly, I don't know. Mom wants me to go to Stanford or Manchester or some other prestiges college but...I'm not really feeling it. Might take a year off, get a job or something." Ben said and Peyton nods. "Yeah, I've only got one more year of high school left and Dad's already on my case to start thinking about college. Although, I wouldn't mind going to a Culinary School." She said and Ben looks over at her.

"Didn't know you liked to cook?" He said and she giggles. "Nah, I like to bake. I have been practicing and people that have tried my deserts say it is very good." She said. "Well, how come I've never gotten to try one?" Ben asked, smiling. "One, you had moved away and two, you never asked." Peyton said, chuckling a bit.

Ben smiles at her and his heart fluttered once he heard her laugh. Lately, he had started to develop feelings for Peyton and he wasn't sure how to tell her. There were many times he wanted to tell her but either he chickened out or something came up.
Once she suggested this camping trip, he decided that this would be the time to tell her how he feels.

He looks over at her then clears his throat. "Um, Peyton?" He said. "Yeah?" She said as she looks over at him. "Um, there's something I, uh, I need to tell you." He said and she looks over at him, curiously. "What is it?" Peyton asked. "I, um...well, I've had these thoughts...feelings I guess I should say. And um..I don't know how to say it." Ben said, nervously. "Speak whatever comes to your mind." Peyton said and her and Ben share a look for a long moment.

Finally, Ben speaks. "Peyton, I have..."

But then a loud blood-curling scream breaks through the air. "What the hell?" Ben asked as he and Peyton stand up. "Uh, what was that?" Peyton asked, shakily. The two teens stand there, listening hard, until another scream rings out. Ben looks over into the direction the scream was coming from. "Stay here." He tells her as he runs. "Like hell I am!" Peyton said and she runs after him.

"NO! PLEASE! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!" A female voice screams as Ben and Peyton run into the woods. Finally, they come upon what looked like a cliff and see a young woman, wearing a white night dress, being dragged by two large man. She was screaming, kicking and flailing about but the men heed no mind to her as they continued to drag her towards the cliff.

"PLEASE, NO! PLEASE! ANYBODY! HELP ME!" the girl screamed and the teens hide behind a couple of nearby trees. "We've got to do something." Ben said and he starts to charge at the men but Peyton grabs his arm.

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