Live Free Or Twi-Hard

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*3rd Person POV*

The sounds of crashes, the sound of screams and the death rattled breath coming from Lisa then the cries of Peyton as she cries over her father's dead body flooded Ben's mind as he sleeps.

Eventually, it was all overwhelming and he wakes up with a startle and sits up. He looks around to see he was still in the pull out bed in Dean and (y/n)'s home and he takes a few deep breathes. "Ben, you okay?" Peyton's voice asked and he looks over to his left to see her sitting at the kitchen table.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He gasps then places his hands over her face as if that'll keep the bad memories from entering his mind. "You wanna talk about it?" Peyton asked him. "Not really." Ben mutters. "Ben..." she said, exasperated. "Peyton, please, I don't want to talk about it. At least, not now." Ben said to her, warningly, and Peyton sighed as she goes back to pick at the bowl of cereal with her spoon.

Ben gets up and goes to walk over to Peyton until he realized how quiet it was. "Where's Dean and (y/n)?" Ben asked her. "They took the kids out to the park. They did invite us were still asleep and I didn't want them to wake you up. And I didn't want to impose on their family time, so I stayed here." Peyton replied and Ben sits down across from her.

"You want anything to eat?" Peyton asked him. "Not hungry." Ben said and Peyton frowns. "Ben, you have to..." she started to say but Ben speaks over her. "Stop babying me, alright!!" He shouts, angrily, which startles Peyton. They share a look then Peyton sighs and goes back to her cereal. Ben glares at her but when he noticed the sad look on her face, his anger disappeared and a wave of guilt filled his chest.

"Sorry." Ben said, apologetically, and Peyton looks up at him and frowns. "I know we're dealing with this differently. But you're not the only one hurting." Peyton tells him and Ben lets out a sigh. "I know." He said and there was a bit of silence between them before Peyton speaks up. "I miss us talking." she said and Ben raises his head to her, giving her a confused look.

"We're talking right now." he said and Peyton shakes her head a bit. "I meant I miss how we used to be able to talk about anything. Even when we were upset." she said and Ben frowns again. "Honestly, Peyton, this is different. I just...I don't know." Ben sighs and Peyton gives a concern look to him.

*(y/n)'s POV*

​​​​​"Faster! Faster!" Claire screeches to Dean as Ryder screams out a laugh. The kids were on a merry-go-round and Dean and was pushing them while I was on a nearby park bench, watching them. "Well then, kiddos, you guys better hold on!" Dean said and he makes the little ride go as fast as it could.

We decided to take the kids out and try to spend as much time as we could before any calls to duties came in. It had been a few days since the ordeal with Balthazar and Castiel, I guess Christian, Gwen and Bobby were doing that to ease us back into the job. Which Dean and I were grateful for as we're trying our best to balance this all out.

"Is that fast enough for you two?" Dean asked the kids and they laugh and scream at this for a few moments before Claire goes. "I'm getting dizzy."

"You want me to stop?" Dean asked her. "Yeah." She said and Dean goes to slow down the merry-go-round until he finally got it to stop. The kids climb out and they stumble a bit and I laugh as they look like two drunks trying to walk.

"You two okay?" I called out to them. "Yeah, we're good!" Claire said then Ryder shakes his head then he looks over at the playground. "Let's go there!" Ryder said and Claire looks to where he's pointing and smiles. "Yeah!" She exclaims and she goes over to Dean and grabs his hand.

"Come on, Daddy!" She said and leads Dean to the jungle gym and Ryder to turns to me. "Come on, Momma!" He calls out and I chuckle. "Okay, I'm coming, I'm coming." I said as I stand up and walk over to them.

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