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"Please tell me that's everything." I said to Dean as we had pulled out every files on demonic possession we could find. "Yeah." Dean said then he chuckles. "No, not even close. You see, the Men of Letters kept files on every demonic possession for the last 300 years, I mean, we've got Borden, Lizzy, all the way to Crane, Ichabod." He said and I give a small scoff.

"How you feeling?" Dean asked me. "Honestly, um...My, uh, my whole body hurts. I feel nauseous and like I'm starving at the same time, and everything smells like rotting meat." I tell him. "I've had that hangover. Jaeger, man. Maybe you should, uh, take a break, get some air." Dean said. "Dean, the only thing that's gonna make me feel better is finishing this." I said, exasperated.

"All right. Well, I'll go get you some grub, keep your strength up." Dean said and he starts to leave when Castiel and Ariel come in. "Morning." Cas greets and Dean brushes him off. "Morning, Ariel." Dean greets her as he keeps walking. "Hi." Ariel said then she looks over at me.

"I like this bunker. It's orderly." Ariel said. "Oh, give us a few months. Dean wants to get a ping-pong table." I said, jokingly. "I've heard of that. It's a game, right?" Castiel asked then he groans.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as Ariel places a hand on his shoulder. "My wound isn't healing as quickly as I'd hoped...But I am getting better. And you're getting worse." Castiel said to me. "Well, two trials down, one to go." I said. "And the final test, do you – you know what it is?" Castiel asked me. "I have to cure a demon." I said.

"Of what?" Ariel asked. "That's what we're trying to figure out." I said as Dean returns with a plate. "Soup's on. There we go." Dean said then he looks down at the open beer. "I think this is, uh..." he said then he sips on it. "Oh, it's still good." He said and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"A half-drunk beer, jerky, and three peanut-butter cups? Replace beer with soda and this is the kids' meal." I said. "Oh, I also got to know your children, they are adorable." Ariel said and I smiled at her. "Yeah, we're – we're running a little low. I'll make a run." Dean said. "Dean, I can go with you." Castiel said but Dean ignores him.

"Dean. I'm sorry." Castiel pleads to Dean, who turns to him. "For what?" Dean asked him, angrily. "For everything." Castiel said. "Everything? Like, uh...Like ignoring us?" Dean asked him. "Yes." said Castiel. "Or like bolting off with the Angel Tablet, then losing it 'cause you didn't trust me? You didn't trust me." Dean growls. "Yes." Castiel said. "Yeah. Nah, that's not gonna cut it. Not this time. So you can take your little apology and you cram it up your ass." Dean snaps.

"Dean, I thought I was doing the right thing." Castiel said. "Yeah, you always do." Dean growls then I clear my throat. "Hey, uh, do we have a room 7B?" I asked.

Later, Dean and I were in room 7B, which was filled with archive files, before I speak up. "Dean, go easy on Cas, okay. He's one of the good guys." I tell him, calmly. "(Y/n), if anybody else – I mean anybody – pulled that kind of crap, I would stab them in their neck on principle. Why should I give him a free pass?" He asked me, angrily.

"Because it's Cas." I said, like it was obvious, and Dean scoffs. "What are we supposed to be looking for down here?" he asked me as we start to look through the files. "Um, anything on case 1138. It was a class 5 infernal event – St. Louis, March 8, 1957." I said. "Class 5 infernal event?" Dean asked, confused.

"Yeah. See, the Letters have this whole rating system. The Exorcist would have been a class 2." I explained. "All right, so, what makes this puppet show so special?" He asked. "It was weird." I said, plainly. "Weird how?" he asked me. "No clue. One of the files just had a note written in the margin about room 7B and the word weird with three exclamation points." I said. "Good times." Dean grumbles.

Supernatural II: Resurgence (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now