Pac-Man Fever

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*3rd Person POV*

Dean enters the bunker, places a couple of bags of groceries on a chair and a six-pack of beer on the table then takes the 12 pack of soda from under his arm and places it next to the beers when Claire and Ryder come in.

"Hey, Daddy!" Claire said and Dean smiles down at them. "Hey, kids. Can you two help me with these groceries?" Dean asked them and they nod and Claire grabs one of the bags and Ryder grabs the 12 pack of soda, showing off that he was strong. Dean chuckles under his breath and he takes the second bag and the beers and they head towards the kitchen.

"Have you two seen your mother?" Dean asked them and the two kids shake their heads. "No, haven't seen her." Ryder said. "Is she okay?" Claire asked Dean. "I think this job we've been doing is wearing her out some." Dean said as they get into the kitchen and Dean places the beers inside the fridge.

They start to put away the groceries when (y/n) enters, looking sleepy, and Ace comes up next to her. Claire scratches Ace on the head and Dean looks over at (y/n). "Well, hey there, Sleeping Beauty." Dean said and (y/n) rubs her eyes.

"Uh, what time did I lay down?" She groans. "You took a siesta around noon. Yesterday." Dean said and (y/n) sighs then she stumbles. "Whoa, whoa..." Dean said as he goes over to her and catches her before she could fall. "Mommy, you okay?" Claire asked (y/n) as Dean helps (y/n) to her feet.

"Yeah, I'm, I'm fine, I just—" (y/n) said as Dean leans her to the table and she leans on it, rubbing his face. "...uh, you know what, I'm gonna get dressed. We should go find Kevin." She said as she looks over at Dean. "Hey hey, hey hey hey, easy, easy, Sleeping Beauty. Look, honey, I've hacked into every security camera around Christian's houseboat, Kevin's hometown, where Mrs Tran lived..." Dean said.

"And?" (Y/n) asked. "Well, nothing so far." Dean said, shrugging. "Dean, we have to find him." She sighs. "I know. I know, but Garth, Bobby, Ben and Peyton are out looking for him, we got a hunter APB out on Kevin, we will do what we can from here while you get better." Dean tells her and she looks a bit annoyed.

"I'm fine. Dean, I can still go out there, I can still hunt." (Y/n) said, firmly. "Really?" Dean asked her, disbelieving.

Later, the family were in the shooting gallery of the bunker, the kids both wearing headphones to muffle the gunshot noises. Dean loads a gun and (y/n) sighs. "This is stupid." (Y/n) said, exasperated, then Dean fires the gun twice, hitting one of the targets in the chest both times. The kids jumped a little at this as Dean turns to (y/n).

"Alright. You hit that target, we'll talk about getting you back out there." He said as he holds out his gun. "No problem." (Y/n) scoffs and she aims, which wavers. She uses her other hand to steady the gun, but still misses the target entirely on both shots she fires.

"Look, sweetheart, this second trial hit you a lot harder than that first one. I don't know whether it was just more intense or what." Dean said as he takes his gun back from her. "Felt the same. Till the next day." (Y/n) said. "So, we're gonna sit tight. Keep an eye out until you get better." Dean tells her and she sighs again.

That night, a You Have Email notification pops up on the laptop and (y/n) looks at it. "It's from Charlie. In the neighborhood, found you guys a case. Found us a case?" (y/n) said, confused, as she looks over at Dean, who is sitting across from her and petting Ace's head.

"In the neighborhood? How the hell does she know where we are?" Dean asked her. "Uh, well, she doesn't. Not exactly, at least. It says she tracked our cells to a twenty mile radius, then the signal went out. Huh. This place must be in some kinda, like, Bermuda Triangle." (Y/n) said. "What, are you saying we can make and receive phone calls from here and nobody can track us?" Dean asked and (y/n) nods. "Man I love this place." He said, happily.

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