Meeting the Dragon.

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As the drowsiness faded, I began regain myself.

This is weird... I can't see. I tried my best to yell for help. But nothing came from that either. My fear began to take over. I can't see nor can I speak.

What the hell was I reborn into that I cannot even speak?

{Individual, is a slime.}


I can't speak, but someone responded to my thoughts.

Where are you? And who are you?

{I am the unique skill [Great Sage], I am the individuals skill.}

Great Sage?

If I remember correctly, that voice I heard before I died did say something about that before I died. I thought I was something I would become, not a skill.

Should have paid better attention.

Anyways Great Sage do you know where I am currently?

{Insufficient information. More information is needed to identify the area.}

Well that was just great.

I have been standing in the same area all while having this conversation.

Or so I think.

Because I cannot feel anything. Not my arms or my legs. I don't even know if I am standing or not. But Great Sage did say that I am a slime...

A Slime!!

Aren't those the little blue blobs that roll around everywhere eating things like dirt? As well as being just about the weakest race in fiction?

Those slimes?!

Not only was I not reborn as at least a humanoid type of race, but as the weakest race ever.

My luck can't get any worse.

Well, determined to get out of wherever this is I tried my best to move forward. It took awhile but, I felt something move.

I... moved?!

Keeping this up I got into the habit of moving in this legless body, until I was moving fluently. But then I had a few thoughts.

'Hey [Great Sage], what other skills do I have?'

I asked this, because I vaguely remember that voice saying something about acquiring other skills.

{The individual has two other skills besides me. Do you wish to know the other two?}


{The first master possess is called [Predator], while the other is called [Destruction]. Would you like to hear the breakdown?}


{Firstly [Predator]

Predation - Absorbs the target into the user's body. The chance of success is lowered if the target has a consciousness of any kind. "Predation" can be used on organic, inorganic, and non-physical objects.

Stomach - Stores the predated target. It can also store materials created via Analysis. Items stored in the user's stomach are unaffected by time.

Analysis: Analyzes and researches targets taken into the user's body. Lets the user create craftable items. If the required materials are present, a copy of the item can be made. Successful Analysis of the casting method allows the user to learn the target's Skills and Magic.

Mimicry - Allows user to reproduce the form and Skills of absorbed targets. Only available once the target has been fully Analyzed.

Isolation - Stores harmful effects that are incapable of being analyzed, neutralizing them and breaking them down into magicules.

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